If full-text is not available, please see the CU Boulder Library open access project and our page on ResearchGate.
- “Subsampling and Space-filling Metrics to Test Ensemble Size for Robustness Analysis with a Demonstration in the Colorado River Basin”
- N Bonham, JR Kasprzyk, EA Zagona, B Rajagopalan.
- Environmental Modelling and Software. vol 172: 105933, 2024
- "Balancing cost, water, emissions, and reliability in power systems operations"
- J Kravits, JR Kasprzyk, K Baker, AS Stillwell.
- Environmental Research Letters. 19, 014035, 2023
- Open Access
- "Interactive and Multimetric Robustness Tradeoffs in the Colorado River Basin"
- N Bonham, JR Kasprzyk, EA Zagona, R Smith.
- Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. vol 150(3), 2023
- Open Access
- "Guiding Questions for Water Resources Systems Analysis Research"
- JR Kasprzyk, M Garcia
- Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. vol 149(8), 2023
- Open Access
- "Decision science can help address the challenges of long-term planning in the Colorado River Basin"
- R Smith, E Zagona, JR Kasprzyk, N Bonham, E Alexander, R Butler, J Prairie, C Jerla
- Journal of the American Water Resources Association. JAWR-21-0043-C, 2022
- Open Access
- "post-MORDM: mapping policies to synthesize optimization and robustness results for decision-maker compromise"
- N Bonham, JR Kasprzyk, E Zagona
- Environmental Modelling and Software. Vol 157: 105491, 2022
- "Evaluation of a New Observationally Based Channel Parameterization for the National Water Model"
- A Heldmyer, B Livneh, J McCreight, L Read, JR Kasprzyk, J Minear
- Hydrology and Earth Systems Sciences. Vol 26: 6121-6136, 2022
- Open Access
- "Investigating the role of snow water equivalent on streamflow predictability during drought"
- P Modi, E Small, JR Kasprzyk, B Livneh
- Journal of Hydrometeorology. Vol 23 (10): 1607-1625, 2022
- Open Access
- "Incorporating Thermoelectric Power Plant Water Use into Multi-Objective Optimal Power Flow"
- J Kravits, JR Kasprzyk, K Baker, AS Stillwell.
- Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability. Vol 2: 015005, 2022
- Open Access
- "Linking reclaimed water consumption with quantitative downstream flow impacts"
- B Purcell, Z Barkjohn, JR Kasprzyk, AS Stillwell.
- Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, vol 147(5), 2021
- Best Policy-Oriented Paper award from JWRPM, 2022
- "Screening Tool for Dam Hazard Potential Classification Using Machine Learning and Multiobjective Parameter Tuning"
- J Kravits, JR Kasprzyk, K Baker, K Andreadis
- Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. vol 147(10), 2021
- All supporting data and code are available at OSF
- Multi-Objective Optimization Methods for Designing Low-Carbon Concrete Mixtures
- DeRousseau, MA, JR Kasprzyk, WV Srubar III.
- Frontiers in Materials, 8 2021.
- Open Access
- “The Next Frontier: Making Research More Reproducible”
- Rosenberg, DE, Y Filion, RL Teasley, S Sandovol-Solis, JS Hecht, JE van Zyl, GF McMahon, JS Horsburgh, JR Kasprzyk, DG Tarboton
- Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. vol 146(6), 2020
- Open Access
- “Multi-objective optimization of water treatment plant operations for disinfection byproduct control”
- Raseman, WJ, JR Kasprzyk, RS Summers, A Hohner, FL Rosario-Ortiz.
- Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology 6, 702-714, 2020.
- “Nearest neighbor bootstrap for generating influent time series for water treatment”
- Raseman, WJ, R Balaji, JR Kasprzyk, W Kleiber
- Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. 34, 23-31, 2020
- Code and data are available at GitHub
- “Towards More Integrated Formal Education and Practice in Water Resources Systems Analysis”
- DE Rosenberg, M Babbar-Sebens, E Root, JD Herman, A Mirchi, M Giacomoni, JR Kasprzyk, K Madani, D Ford, L Basdekas.
- Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. vol 143(12): 02517001.
- “Statistical Variation in the Embodied Carbon of Carbon Mixtures”
- DeRousseau, MA, JH Arehart, JR Kasprzyk, WV Srubar III.
- Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol 275: 123088. 2020
- DeRousseau, MA, EI Laftchiev, R Balaji, JR Kasprzyk, WV Srubar III. 2019. “A comparison of machine learning methods for predicting the compressive strength of field-placed concrete” Construction and Building Materials. Vol 228: 116661.
- DeRousseau, MA, JR Kasprzyk, WV Srubar III. 2018. “Computational Design Optimization of Concrete Mixtures: A Review” Cement and Concrete Research. vol 109: 42-53.
- Smith, RM, JR Kasprzyk, R Balaji. 2019. “Using Multivariate Regression Trees and multiobjective tradeoff sets to reveal fundamental insights about water resources systems” Environmental Modelling and Software. Vol 120: 104498.
- Maier, HR, S Razavi, Z Kapelan, LS Mattot, JR Kasprzyk, BA Tolson. 2019. “Introductory Overview: Optimization using Evolutionary Algorithms and other Metaheuristics” Environmental Modelling and Software. vol 114: 195-213.
- Raseman, WJ, J Jacobson, JR Kasprzyk. 2019. “Parasol: An open source, interactive parallel coordinates library for multi-objective decision making” Environmental Modelling and Software. vol 116: 153-163.
- ParasolJS is available on GitHub, and demos can be found on the site
- Available through CU Boulder Open Access
- Smith, RM, JR Kasprzyk, L Dilling. 2019. “Testing the potential of Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs) with Colorado water managers” Environmental Modelling and Software. vol 117: 149-163.
- Wheeler, KG, JW Hall, GM Abdo, SJ Dadson, JR Kasprzyk, RM Smith, EA Zagona. “Exploring Cooperative Transboundary River Management Strategies for the Eastern Nile Basin” Water Resources Research.
- Smith, RM, JR Kasprzyk, L Basdekas. 2018. "Experimenting with Water Supply Planning Objectives Using the Eldorado Utility Planning Model Multireservoir Testbed" Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. vol 144, no 8.
- Kasprzyk, JR, RM Smith, AS Stillwell, K Madani, D Ford, D McKinney, S Sorooshian. 2018. “Defining the role of water resources systems analysis in a changing future” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. vol 144(12).
- Clarkin, TJ, W Raseman, JR Kasprzyk, JD Herman. 2018. "Diagnostic Assessment of Preference Constraints for Simulation Optimization in Water Resources" Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. vol 144, no 8.
- Smith, RM, JR Kasprzyk, L Dilling. 2017. “Participatory Framework for Assessment and Improvement of Tools (ParFAIT): Increasing the impact and relevance of water management decision support research” Environmental Modelling and Software. vol 95: 432-446.
- Barnhart, BL, HE Golden, JR Kasprzyk, JJ Pauer, CE Jones, KA Sawicz, N Hoghooghi, M Simon, RB McKane, PM Mayer, AN Piscopo, DL Ficklin, JJ Halama, PB Pettus, B Rashleigh. 2018. “Embedding co-production and addressing uncertainty in watershed modeling decision-support tools: Successes and challenges” Environmental Modelling and Software. vol 109: 368-379.
- Stewart, JR, B Livneh, JR Kasprzyk, B Rajagopalan, JT Minear, WJ Raseman. 2017. “A multi-algorithm approach to land surface modeling of suspended sediment in the Colorado Front Range” Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. vol 9, no 7: 2526-2644.
- Houle, EA, JR Kasprzyk, BL Livneh. 2017. “Exploring Snow Model Parameter Sensitivity Using Sobol’ Variance Decomposition” Environmental Modelling and Software. vol 89: 144-158.
- Yanto, R Balaji, B Livneh, JR Kasprzyk. 2016. “Hydrological Model Application Under Data Scarcity for Multiple Watersheds, Java Island, Indonesia” Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. vol 9: 127-139.
- Watson, AA, JR Kasprzyk. 2017. “Incorporating deeply uncertain factors into the many objective search process” Environmental Modelling and Software. vol 89: 159-171.
- Kasprzyk, JR, PM Reed, D Hadka. 2016. “Battling Arrow’s Paradox to Discover Robust Water Management Alternatives” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. vol 142, no. 2.
- Huskova, I, ES Matrosov, JJ Harou, JR Kasprzyk, C Lambert. 2016. “Screening robust water infrastructure investments and their trade-offs under global change: A London Example” Global Environmental Change. vol 41: 216-217.
- Smith, RM, JR Kasprzyk, E Zagona. 2016. “Many Objective Analysis to Optimize Pumping and Releases in a Multi-Reservoir Water Supply Network” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. vol. 142, no. 2.
- Raseman, WJ, JR Kasprzyk, FL Rosario-Ortiz, J Stewart, B Livneh. 2016. “A critical review of decision support systems for water treatment: Making the case for incorporating climate change and climate extremes” Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology. vol 3: 18-36.
- Piscopo, AN, RM Neupauer, JR Kasprzyk. 2016. “Optimal design of active spreading systems to remediate sorbing groundwater contaminants in situ” Contaminant Hydrology. vol 190: 29-43.
- Piscopo, AN, JR Kasprzyk, RM Neupauer. 2015. “An Iterative Approach to Multi-Objective Engineering Design: Optimization of Engineered Injection and Extraction for Enhanced Groundwater Remediation” Environmental Modelling and Software, vol 69: 253-261.
- Maier, HM, Z Kapelan, JR Kasprzyk, JB Kollat, LS Mattot, MC Cunha, GC Dandy, MS Gibbs, E Keedwell, A Marchi, A Ostfeld, D Savic, DP Solomatine, JA Vrugt, AC Zecchin, BS Minsker, EJ Barbour, G Kuczera, F Pasha, A Castelletti, M Giuliani, PM Reed. 2014. “Evolutionary Algorithms and Other Metaheuristics in Water Resources: Current Status, Research Challenges, and Future Directions” Environmental Modelling and Software, vol. 62: 271-299.
- Kasprzyk, JR, S Nataraj, PM Reed, RJ Lempert. 2013. “Many objective robust decision making for complex environmental systems undergoing change” Environmental Modelling and Software, vol. 42: 55-71.
- Reed, PM, D Hadka, JD Herman, JR Kasprzyk, JB Kollat. 2013. “Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization in Water Resources: The Past, Present, and Future” Advances in Water Resources. vol. 51: 438-456 . Invited article for 35th anniversary issue.
- Kasprzyk, JR, PM Reed, GW Characklis, BR Kirsch. 2012. “Many-Objective de Novo Water Supply Portfolio Planning Under Deep Uncertainty” Environmental Modelling and Software, vol. 34: 87-104. . Issue: Emulation techniques for the reduction and sensitivity anlaysis of complex environmental models.
- Matrosov, E, I Huskova, JR Kasprzyk, JJ Harou, C Lambert, PM Reed. 2015. “Many-Objective Optimization and Visual Analytics Reveal Key Trade-offs for London’s Water Supply” Journal of Hydrology, vol 531, part 3: 1040-1053.
- Zeff, HB, JR Kasprzyk, JD Herman, PM Reed, GW Characklis. 2014. “Navigating Financial and Supply Reliability Tradeoffs in Regional Drought Management Portfolios.” Water Resources Research, vol. 50, no. 6: 4906-4923.
- Fu, G, Z Kapelan, JR Kasprzyk, PM Reed. 2013. “Optimal design of water distribution systems using many-objective visual analytics.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, vol. 139, no. 6: 624-633. Awarded Quentin Martin Best Practice-Oriented Paper from Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management.
- Kollat, JB, JR Kasprzyk, WO Thomas, AC Miller, and D Divoky. 2012. “Estimating the Impacts of Climate Change and Population Growth on Flood Discharges in the United States.” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, vol. 138, no. 5: 442-452. Special section on climate change and water resources.
- Kasprzyk, JR, PM Reed, BR Kirsch, GW Characklis. 2009. “Managing population and drought risks using many-objective water portfolio planning under uncertainty.” Water Resources Research, vol. 45, W12401.
- Reed, PM, JR Kasprzyk. 2009. “Water Resources Management: The Myth, the Wicked, the Future” Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, vol. 135, no. 6: 411-413.
- Kollat, JB, PM Reed, JR Kasprzyk. 2008. “A New Epsilon-Dominance Hierarchical Bayesian Optimization Algorithm for Large Multi-Objective Monitoring Network Design Problems” Advances in Water Resources vol. 31: 828-845.