
Some of The Top Research Groups in Biotechnology and Biomedical Devices

Group NamePrincipal InvestigatorLink
The Langer Lab Robert Langer
Whitesides Research GroupGeorge Whitesides
Rogers Research Group - NorthwesternJohn A. Rogers
Experimental Soft Condensed Matter Group at HarvardDavid Weitz
Jensen Research GroupKlavs Jensen
System Biology Research Group Bernhard Palsson
Khademhosseini LabAli Khademhosseini
Mathies Research LabRichard A. Mathies
BioMEMS Resource CenterMehmet Toner
Luke Lee Research GroupLuke P. Lee
KISTAndreas Manz
Quake Lab at StanfordStephen Quake 
MechanoBioEngineering LabChwee Teck (C.T.) Lim
MechanoBiology LabRoger D. Kamm
Microtechnolog, Medicine and Biology Lab (mmb LAB)David J Beebe
MESA+ Institute and BIOS/Lab on a Chip groupAlbert van den Berg
Takayama Lab at GatechShuichi Takayama
Stanford Microfluidics Laboratory Juan G. Santiago
Ho-Sysyms LaboratoryChih-Ming Ho
Yager Research LaboratoryPaul Yager
Biomolecular Microsystems and Nano Transducers (BioMiNT Lab)Abraham "Abe" P. Lee
Biophotonics Laboratory Changhuei Yang
Ismagilov GroupRustem F. Ismagilov
Di Carlo Lab Dino Di Carlo
The Aebi Lab - Microbial GlycobiologyMarkus Aebi
Micro and Nanomechanics Laboratory Horacio Dante Espinosa
Caltech MEMS Lab Yuchong Tai
Burns Lab Microfluidics at the University of MichiganMark A. Burns
The Vorholt Lab - Microbial PhysiologyJulia Vorholt
MIT Microfluidics & Nanofluidics Research Laboratory
Rohit Karnik
Bouwer Research GroupEd Bouwer
Laboratory for Drug DeliveryMark Prausnitz
Research group Achim WixforthArchim Wixforth
Biological Microtechnology And Biomems GroupJoel Voldman
Lµ Fluidics GroupHang Lu
Bioanalytics GroupPetra S.Dittrich