The BMMLab is actively looking for highly motivated and exceptional postdocs and students to join us to explore the broad areas of biomedical microdevices, BioMEMS, drug delivery, cell mechanics, and biotechnology. We are well funded by NIH, Keck Foundation, NSF, CU, etc. to conduct a highly multidisciplinary research at the frontiers of science, engineering, and biomedicine. We aim to develop innovative technologies to solve challenging problems in medicine and improve human health. We take it as a responsibility to train future leaders dedicated to excellence.
Postdoctoral Fellow
The BMMLab has one open position for Postdoctoral Fellow. Motivated and talented candidates should have a PhD degree with research experience related to Acoustics, biomedical microfluidics and/or MEMS. Excellent training in research is expected proven by publication track records in an international peer-reviewed journal. Great personality and ability to collaborate are important qualities that we require from the candidates. Interested candidates who see themselves fit with BMMLab research endeavor are encouraged to contact Dr. Xiaoyun Ding (email to Xiaoyun.Ding (at) Colorado.Edu with subject line "Postdoc Application" and attach your CV with contact information of 2 reference letter writers).
Graduate Research Assistant (PhD)
The BMMLab has several positions available for PhD students to work on the aforementioned topics. Incoming students are not requried to have a rigorous experience in BioMEMS and microfluidics research. we expect incoming new students to have: 1) Passion and commitment to excellence; 2) Good training in research (publication and research experience are preferred, but not required); 3) Good personality and ability to collaborate considering our cross-disciplinary work. Microfabrication experience, lab on a chip, or acoustics background are preferred but not required. Please apply through the graduate program first (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering Program, Materials Science and Engineering Program) and contact Dr. Xiaoyun Ding (email to Xiaoyun.Ding (at) Colorado.Edu with subject line "PhD Candidate Application" and attach your CV with contact information of 2 reference letter writers).
Graduate Research Assistant (MS)
The BMMLab is also interested in recruiting M.S. students although funding is rarely available. Motivated students are encouraged to contact Dr. Xiaoyun Ding (email to Xiaoyun.Ding (at) Colorado.Edu with subject line "MS Student Application" and attach your CV).
Undergraduate Research Assistant
The BMMLab is always interested in having undergraduate students involved in our research work. We prefer to recruit undergraduate students with a background in Engineering, Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Technology, Arts & Media, although other related backgrounds might be considered. Projects for undergraduate students are available and well-tailored according to their background. Funding for undergraduate students may be available through UROP and DLA program. Talented undergraduate students who are able to work voluntarily for more than 6 months are encouraged to contact Dr. Xiaoyun Ding (email to Xiaoyun.Ding (at) Colorado.Edu with subject line "Undergraduate Student Application" and attach your CV).
Last updated: Spring 2022