IPHY 3415 Resources
Undergraduate Teaching Assistants and Dissectors
If you enjoyed Human Anatomy Lab and are interested in teaching it, or helping with the dissections, you may be eligible to receive academic credit for these activities.
- See the UGTA and dissector information page for application forms and information about what is involved.
Anatomical Models
- Models index page - Labeled photographs of the models used in this course.
Sample Exam Questions
Other Useful Links
These are links that you may find interesting or helpful while studying. Please let us know of other useful web pages.
Various subjects
- Get Body Smart - Interactive tutorials and quizzes on anatomy and physiology. Nice modern-looking animations to click and drag.
- Leif Saul's Anatomy Pages - Tips and images for learning the specific materials used in this lab.
- Online Anatomy and Physiology Resources - Links to various useful anatomy links on the Web.
Muscular System
- Get Body Smart: Muscle Tutorials - interactive resource on the Web for learning muscle origins, insertions and actions.
- Hypermuscle: Muscles in Action - QuickTime movies demonstrating muscle actions.
- Lower Extremity Muscle Atlas - Illustrated listing of muscle origins, insertions, and actions.
- Upper Extremity Muscle Atlas - Illustrated listing of muscle origins, insertions, and actions.