We measure trace and minor element element concentrations in biogenic carbonates, including foraminifera, corals, and ostracods, to reconstruct past climates. These and other sample types are welcomed. Our main analytical tool is a Thermo Finnigan Element2 magnetic sector inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS).
Tom Marchitto
Lennart van Maldegem
Lab manager
Skye Fernandez
Graduate Student
Trish Tellez
MS Student
Haikal Bakar
Danny Schmiegel
Jazmin Schwab
Lab room: SEEL 118B
Foraminifera and other carbonates
This is our specialty. Routine analysis includes Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, Cd/Ca, Zn/Ca, Ba/Ca, Li/Ca, B/Ca, U/Ca, Mn/Ca, Al/Ca, and Fe/Ca, but additional elements are also possible. Foraminiferal samples can either be sent pre-cleaned or they can be cleaned here at additional cost. Our routine cleaning includes both reductive (hydrazine) and oxidative (peroxide) steps, but oxidation-only cleaning is an option. We also offer a robust oxidation-only method for individual foram Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca analysis (IFA). Costs for carbonates are on a per-sample basis. Contact Tom Marchitto for details
Other sample types
We welcome inquiries about other sample types. If you can dissolve it, we can probably analyze it. Generally speaking, ICP-MS is well-suited for trace abundances of elements (sub-ppm in solution). Higher concentrations can be diluted to be within our working range, but in that case another method like ICP-OES may be more appropriate and less expensive. See this periodic table of theoretical detection limits to see whether ICP-MS is right for your application.
Our main analytical tool is a Thermo Finnigan Element2 magnetic sector inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS).
Our clean room
Our facility includes a Class 1000 clean room for sample preparation. Here is a view looking from the clean room toward the instrument room.
Publications for Marchitto are included below