Raman Microspectroscopy Lab

PI/Co-Director: Alexis Templeton
Co-Director: Eric Ellison
Facility Manager: Jess Hankins
Location: Benson 125B

The Raman Microspectroscopy Laboratory is a core research facility housed in the Department of Geological Sciences for fast, non-destructive characterization and chemical imaging of diverse materials spanning minerals (thin sections & powders), biological samples, fluids, dissolved gases, and much more. Our instrument is especially optimized for fast hyperspectral imaging of complex samples and materials, where a full Raman spectrum is collected at every pixel. This technique, combined with advanced multivariate statistical techniques, facilitates the detection and identification of all Raman-active species present in the area of interest. It is especially powerful for extracting information on the pure end-members of complex mixtures, even when those end-members are always mixed with other components.

As a core facililty we are eager to assist you! We provide access to academic and non-academic researchers with any affiliation for a user fee. Please contact contact the Raman Lab by emailing ramanlab@colorado.edu or jessica.c.hankins@colorado.edu to set up a meeting to discuss the feasibility of utilizing Raman for your project.