- 23-01 - Robert McNown, "A Multivariate Autoregressive Distributed Lag unit Root Test," Revised July 2024
- 23-02 - Joongsan Hwang, "Continuous Rendezvous Games and Their Departure and Wait times," October 2023
- 23-03 - Mengqi Zhang, "Over-Persuasion and Mechanism Design," October 2023
- 23-04 - Alexander Bentz, "Do Student Behavior Issues Impact Teacher Retention? Evidence from Administrative Data on Student Offenses," October 2023
- 23-05 - Kyle Butts, "Dynamic Treatment Effect Estimation with Interactive Fixed Effects and Short Panels," October 2023
- 23-06 - Adam Pfander, "Trade and the Competition for Transport: How (a Lack of) Competition in the Transportation Industry Affects Regional Trade Outcomes," October 2023
- 23-07 - Jaekyeong Shin, "The Cost of Deviation: A Generalized Spatial Autoregressive Model," October 2023
- 23-08 - Brian Flaxman, "The Relationship Between PhRMA Campaign Donations and Favorable Legislation: A Natural Language Processing Application," October 2023
- 23-09 - Saigeetha Narasimhan, "What is the effect of Salary History Bans on the Employment Status of Mothers?" October 2023
- 23-10 - Sutianjie Zhou, "A Simultaneous-equation Model with Censored Outcomes and Social Interaction," October 2023
- 23-11 - Youngeun Choi, "What is the effect of the corporate marriage of Disney and Pixar on their films' image quality?" October 2023