Upcoming Events
2024–25 Seminar Series
For future seminars check out the seminar series calendar, all seminars are held 3–4:30 p.m. in Seminar Room 5 unless otherwise noted.
Friday, February 14: Scott Carrell, University of Texas at Austin, "Evaluating Incentives for Full-Time Enrollment at California Community Colleges"
Friday, February 21: Jeffrey Ely, Northwestern University, "Screening with Tests"
Spring Classes
Spring classes began Monday, January 13. Important dates can be found on the university's Academic Calendar and watch the course schedule for the latest changes and updates to Economics courses. If you have any questions about courses or recitation schedules please email
Main Office
The main office, ECON 212, is open 8:30 a.m.–Noon and 1–5 p.m. Monday through Friday. In the event that something needs immediate attention when the front office is not available, please email the appropriate staff member for assistance. Email addresses and phone numbers are available under the People Tab.
Department Highlights
- Bikalpa Baniya has been selected to receive a Flower Family Graduate Student Award for the proposal submitted to the Beverly Sears Graduate Student Research Grant program.
- Liaoyuan (Leo) Zhang has been selected to receive a Beverly Sears Award for the proposal submitted to the Beverly Sears Graduate Student Research Grant program.
- Exploring selfish incentives for pursuing climate policy: CU Boulder economist Alessandro Peri makes the case that empowering the young can meaningfully affect climate policy and climate outcomes in Colorado Arts and Sciences Magazine
- El Péndulo Podcast: Sara Avila discusses the economic impact of some of the proposals of both Presidential Candidates (Podcast in Spanish)
- Murat Iyigun and his music in Colorado Arts and Sciences Magazine article, "He will, he will rock you"
- Research at Notre Dame's Wilson Sheehan Lab for Economic Opportunities by Patrick Turner (CU Boulder Econ PhD, 2018) featured in "Fighting to improve education policies"
- CU Boulder Today article, "How efforts to make heavy trucks more efficient could hit a roadblock," features research by Jonathan Hughes
- Jonathan Hughes in KUTV's article, "Colorado latest to shift to electric lawn equipment is 'nudge' to market, economist says"
- Ann Carlos was the inaugural recipient of the Alice Murray Distinguished Scholar Award. Professor Carlos gave the Alice Murray Distinguished Scholar Lecture, where the medal was formally presented, on Thursday 11 April 2024
- Jonathan Hughes speaks about Colorado traffic fatalities to Denver Post, "Colorado saw 6% dip in overall traffic deaths in 2023 — but a record-high 131 pedestrian fatalities"
- "Enlightenment Ideals and Belief in Progress in the Run-Up to the Industrial Revolution: A Textual Analysis," by Murat Iyigun, Austin Kennedy, Ali Almelhem, and Jared Rubin sparking interest on the web: Financial Times, Marginal Revolution, American Enterprise
- Francisca Antman's paper, For Want of a Cup: The Rise of Tea in England and the Impact of Water Quality on Mortality, featured in the BBC's article How Britain's taste for tea may have been a life saver
- A study by Jonathan Hughes, Daniel Kaffine and Leah Kaffine featured in CU Boulder Today: "In the wake of COVID-19, traffic congestion dropped but crash severity soared"
- Jeffrey Zax on tipping in CU Boulder Today: "Skipping the tip: Why some restaurants and businesses are nixing gratuities"
- CU Boulder economics building to undergo $29.5 million renovation
- Sara Avila: Winner of a 2023 Best Should Teach Award
- Spring 2023 Economics BA Graduates Shane M. Ball and Meenakshi Manoj & PhD Graduates James Flynn and Peiyuan Li featured in "Amazing Grads 2023" article by the College of Arts and Sciences
- Mark Valkovci: Recipient of a 2022-23 President’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award
- Murat Iyigun in Colorado Arts and Science Magazine: "In the 1950s, many wives financed their husbands through college"
- Dongkyu Yang awarded the Cambridge University Press Dissertation Fellowship
- Karen Gebhardt: 2023 UPCEA Excellence In Teaching Award recipient
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Publication Showcase
Francisca Antman
"Demographic Diversity and Economic Research: Fields of Specialization and Research on Race, Ethnicity, and Inequality"
"Examining the Long-Run Impacts of Racial Terror with Data on Historical Lynchings of Mexicans in Texas"
"Half Empty and Half Full? Women in Economics and the Rise in Gender-Related Research"
"The Long-Run Impacts of Mexican-American School Desegregation"
"When Beer is Safer than Water: Beer Availability and Mortality from Waterborne Illnesses"
"For Want of a Cup: The Rise of Tea in England and the Impact of Water Quality on Mortality"Sara Avila Forcada
"Messages That Foster a Sense of Belonging Improve Learning and Satisfaction: An Experiment in an Online Environment"Tania Barham
“Experimental Evidence from a Conditional Cash Transfer Program: Schooling, Learning, Fertility, and Labor Market Outcomes After 10 Years”
“No Place Like Home: Long-Run Impacts of Early Child Health and Family Planning on Economic and Migration Outcomes”Brian Cadena
“The International Transmission of Local Economic Shocks Through Migrant Networks”Jeronimo Carballo
"Economic and Policy Uncertainty: Export Dynamics and Value of Agreements"Yongmin Chen
"Efficient Liability in Expert Markets"Murat Iyigun
“Resource Shocks and Conflict, 1400–1900 C”Taylor Jaworski
“Highways and Globalization”
“Economic Geography and Air Pollution Regulation in the United States”Wolfgang Keller
"International Joint Ventures and Internal vs. External Technology Transfer: Evidence from China"
"The Gender Gap Among Top Business Executives"
"International Trade and Job Polarization: Evidence at the Worker Level"Miles Kimball
"What Do Happiness Data Mean? Theory and Survey Evidence"
"From Happiness Data to Economic Conclusions"Xiaodong Liu
“Endogenous Technology Spillovers in R&D Collaboration Networks”Richard Mansfield
“Who Benefits from a Smaller Honors Track”Adam McCloskey
"Critical Values Robust to P-hacking"
"Hybrid Confidence Intervals for Informative Uniform Asymptotic Inference After Model Selection"
"Inference on Winners"
"Short and Simple Confidence Intervals when the Directions of Some Effects are Known"Sergey Nigai
"Selection Effects, Inequality, and Aggregate Gains from Trade"
"Highways and Globalization"Alessandro Peri
"Forum Shopping and Legal Labor Markets: Evidence from the Court Competition Era"
"Selfish incentives for climate policy: Empower the young!"
"Public Investment in a Production Network: Aggregate and Sectoral Implications"Carol Shiue
"Social Mobility in the Long Run: An Analysis of Tongcheng, China, 1300 to 1900"Yangwei Song
"Approximate Bayesian implementation and exact maxmin implementation: An equivalence"
"Intertemporal hedging and trade in repeated games with recursive utility"Stephanie Weber
"Carbon Policy and the Emissions Implications of Electric Vehicles,"
"Has Consumer Acceptance of Electric Vehicles Been Increasing? Evidence from Microdata on Every New Vehicle Sale in the United States"