Terra McKinnish

Econ 115
Telephone: 303.492.6770
Dept. Phone: 303.735.5500
Email: terra.mckinnish@colorado.edu
Webpage: https://spot.colorado.edu/~mckinnis/

Office Hours

Labor Economics • Economic Demography • Public Economics

Current Research Interests: 
Migration, Marriage, Neighborhood Dynamics

Faculty Research Associate, Institute of Behavioral Science, Population

Short CV

PhD–Carnegie Mellon University
MS–Carnegie Mellon University
BA–University of Richmond

PhD, Carnegie Mellon University, 1999, is a professor. Her predominant interests are labor economics, economic demography and public economics, with a strong interest in poverty and gender-related issues. Recent research topics include welfare migration, female labor force participation and divorce, location decisions of dual-career couples, and the causes and consequences of neighborhood gentrification.