There are many internal as well as external funding sources that can help with financing for graduate research. These include a mixture of funds to cover research costs and those to support graduate stipends. Below we provide additional information and links particularly geared toward current graduate students in the program. Prospective students may want to consider viewing links for external fellowships, such as those provided by the National Science Foundation or the Ford Foundation which can be applied for prior to starting grad school.
EBIO Grants and Fellowships:
EBIO research grants
EBIO one-semester fellowships
EBIO summer fellowships
Graduate School Grants and Fellowships - Including research grants, ecology grants, travel grants, dissertation fellowships.
IQ-Biology Fellowship - The PhD certificate program in Interdisciplinary Quantitative Biology (IQ Biology) is a University of Colorado cross-departmental program and part of the BioFrontiers Institute. EBIO is a participating department. For graduate students with a strong quantitative or biological background, IQ Biology offers a diverse interdisciplinary experience through lab rotations, curriculum, and programs. For more information about IQ Biology, please visit
Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS) - EBIO is a member of the Organization for Tropical Studies. Our membership pays for some of the expenses for our students attending OTS courses in Costa Rica. Review the available courses on the OTS website then contact Mike Breed for more information about OTS funding opportunities for our graduate students.
National Science Foundation
Graduate Research Fellowship - Graduating seniors and graduate students who have completed no more than 20 credits are eligible to apply. Each year in early October, the CU Chancellor's Office offers a workshop on applying for NSF Graduate Research Fellowships, formerly called "Pre-Doc" fellowships.
The EBIO graduate program assistant has copies of successful NSF applications that students are welcome to borrow.
EPA Star Fellowship - The EBIO graduate program assistant has copies of successful EPA Star Fellowship applications that students are welcome to borrow.
GPSG-Graduate and Professional Student Government - GPSG provides grants for travel to meetings.
Grant Deadlines
Name of Grant or Fellowship | Announcements | Deadline |
EBIO research grants | Announced in late January | Early March |
EBIO one-semester fellowships | Announced in late January | Early March |
EBIO summer fellowships | Announced in the fall semester | Mid-January |
UCB Graduate School - Bev Sears Grants | September
(information is about halfway down this page)
October |
UCB Graduate School - Travel Grants |
Ongoing (typically offered every semester and summer) |
UGGS - Travel Grants | August/January | September/ February |
NSF - Graduate Research Fellowship | NSF Website | October |
EPA Star Fellowships | EPA STAR | Varies |
Opportunities for International Students
- For international students applying to graduate school in the US, you can apply for the Fulbright Foreign Student Program prior to starting grad school. The Fulbright Foreign Student Program enables graduate students, young professionals, and artists, from abroad to study and conduct research in the United States. Country-specific information can be found on their website.