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36th Annual Southwestern Textile and Jewelry Sale
Saturday, November 9, 2023
10 AM – 5PM
William Matthews Studio
2540 Walnut Street, Denver, CO 80205
RiNo Art District
More than 100 antique and contemporary Navajo weavings plus a special selection of Native American jewelry, all of which will be sold at special, discounted prices for this event! This sale is coordinated by the Toh-Atin Gallery to support the ongoing care and preservation of the Joe Ben Wheat Navajo Textile Collection at the CU Museum of Natural History. (Please note: all textiles for sale are provided courtesy of the Toh-Atin Gallery).
Attendees are encouraged to bring their weavings to the event for free, informal evaluations.
Navajo weaving expert and owner of Toh-Atin Gallery in Durango, Colorado, Jackson Clark will give a talk on “The Influence of the Trading Posts on Navajo Weaving” at 1 pm and will be giving informal evaluations of your weavings from 2 until 4 pm.
And, Ben Leroux, one of the finest restoration experts in the field, will be giving free cleaning and repair estimates throughout the day.
Conservation resources
- The American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC)
The AIC is a national organization for conservators and offers educational resources for help in finding a conservator - Minnesota Historical Society
Includes answers to frequently asked questions about caring for textiles - National Park Service Conserve O Grams
Conserve O Grams are short leaflets about caring for museum objects - Smithsonian Museum Conservation Institute (MCI)
- Canadian Conservation Institute