Nan Desu Kan and Anime in Denver

Oct. 31, 2013

by Andre Martinez, MA student, Japanese The Denver I grew up in was a dusty old cow town; ghosts of the glory days as a beatnik stopover swept in and out of old river front warehouses by empty railways. I remember all too clearly the world before the Toonami. When...

The US and Prospects for Democracy in Iran

Oct. 28, 2013

Dr. Abbas Milani, director of Iranian Studies at Stanford University, will be coming to Boulder at the end of this week to give a talk on the US and the possibilities of democracy in Iran. We are at a critical juncture in the troubled history of US-Iran relations and the...

Career Tracks in Asian Studies

Oct. 24, 2013

The Center for Asian Studies is excited to announce our Fall 2013 panel on career tracks in Asian studies. We invite you to learn about global career opportunities with a panel of experts in Asia-related fields, including international business, the public sector, and the legal profession. This event will be...

Boulder Joins 60-City Live Program with U.S. Ambassador to China

Oct. 21, 2013

Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright will join audiences in more than 60 cities and towns by live broadcast for a “town hall” meeting on the U.S.-China relationship. In order to address a wide range of today’s major global issues it is “absolutely critical” to focus on the Sino-American...

Gia-fu Feng and the Popularization of Daoism in America

Oct. 18, 2013

We are holding another Brown Bag event this month! Lucas Carmichael of the Department of Religious Studies will present on Gia-fu Feng and his important role in the development of Daoism in America. American Daoist Masters have always operated in a hybrid space of Asian religions more broadly construed. Because...

The Qi Shu Fang Peking Opera Residency Was a Big Success!

Oct. 16, 2013

The Qi Shu Fang Peking Opera Company completed their week-long residency at CU-Boulder (9/3 to 9/8), with resounding succees. About 120 attended the two screenings of the documentary film, “Little Tiger.” Ms. Qi Shu Fang and Mr. Ding Mei Kui conducted a two-hour-long acting workshop with the 22 students in...

Global Seminar: Self-Awareness & Images of the Other (Xi'an China) Information Meeting

Oct. 14, 2013

Discover China this summer on this Global Seminar held in Xi’an and sponsored by CU’s Study Abroad Office, the Center for Asian Studies and the Tang Fund. With Herbst Program of Humanities’ faculty Dr. Anja Lange, you will get a first-hand look at China by studying it through literature and...

Ways of Knowing: The Body in Buddhist Tantra and Tibetan Medicine

Oct. 11, 2013

Janet Gyatso, Hershey Professor of Buddhist Studies at Harvard University, will come to CU to discuss the Tibetan medicine and its Buddhist heritage. Traditional Tibetan medicine sometimes found its Buddhist heritage and its urge for empirical knowledge of the body to be at odds, and made unusual efforts to separate...

Hybridize the Dragon: Bruce Lee and the Reconstruction of Asia

Oct. 7, 2013

Daryl Joji Maeda, Associate Professor in CU's Department of Ethnic Studies, will present a Brown Bag lecture on Bruce Lee. Dr. Maeda examines Lee as a transnational figure thoroughly enmeshed in trans-Pacific flows of people and culture dating back to the nineteenth century and accelerating in the twentieth century. He...

Chinese and Global Governance: From Rule-Followers to Rule-Makers

Oct. 3, 2013

Scott Kennedy, Associate Professor of the Departments of Political Science and East Asian Languages and Cultures at Indiana University, will come to CU to give a talk on China and its role in global governance as Chinese government agencies, companies, and NGOs are becoming much more significant players in every...
