Data-Driven Learning Library



Like a closet full of physics apparatus, but for data and models.

Welcome to the ATOC Data-Driven Learning Library, or DDLL for short. The DDLL is a virtual library of discipline-specific modules, ready for integration into the classroom. Many ATOC faculty members have specific expertise and familiarity with research-quality observational data sets and Earth system models that have successfully translated into teaching tools or materials for their classrooms. These modules, contributed by faculty and curated by the Technology Committee, are designed to be readily accessible to any faculty member teaching the same or similar courses so that all students may benefit from the full breadth of expertise on the ATOC faculty, independent of who is the instructor at the time.


Module ID: 001

Synopsis: By measuring slight variations in Earth's gravitational tug using from a twin pair of satellites in orbit, the GRACE satellite mission has provided monthly, global gravity maps since 2002. These measurements allow us to observe changes in the mass balance of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. With this module, students can estimate and compare trends and variability in the mass of ice on Greeland and Antarctica. Students can also quickly diagnose the changes in Greenland ice sheet mass based on the individual mass balance components (surface processes and discharge). Possible implementations of this module include in-class activity, lab/recitation exercise or homework assignment.

Curricular tie-ins: ice sheets; conservation of mass; sea level rise; climate change; uncertainty

Appropriate for: Undergraduate students.

Plausible courses: ATOC 1060; ATOC 3070; ATOC 3300; ATOC 3600; ATOC 4215; ATOC 4500; ATOC 4720; ATOC 4730

Software and skills required: Excel or similar.

Pedagogical suggestion:module_001_ped.docx

Data set:module_001_data.xlsx

Source: Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) monthly mascon time series for Greenland and Antarctica ( JPL | NASA PO.DAAC )

Code: N/A

Representative journal article: Recent contributions of glaciers and ice caps to sea level rise (Jacob et al. 2012, Nature)

Faculty contributor:Prof. Jan Lenaerts


Module ID: 002

Synopsis: Geostrophic balance, a fundamental concept throughout the atmospheric and oceanic dynamics, can be exploited to link observations of sea level as measured by altimeters flown aboard Earth-observing satellites with near-surface currents. With this module, students can qualitatively and quantitatively apply geostrophic balance to spaceborne sea surface height (SSH) observations to predict and understand the surface circulation of the global ocean. Possible implementations of this module include in-class activity, lab/recitation exercise or homework assignment.

Curricular tie-ins: geostrophy; ocean circulation; western boundary currents; sea level

Appropriate for: Advanced undergraduates (4000-level course) and graduate students.

Plausible courses: ATOC 4720; ATOC 4730; ATOC 5051; ATOC 5060; ATOC 5061; ATOC 5730

Software and skills required: MATLAB software required. A minimum of prior experience is necessary, as code is provided that can be executed and slightly modified.

Pedagogical suggestion:module_002_ped.docx

Data set:module_002_data.mat *

Source: AVISO Satellite derived Sea Surface Height above Geoid ( AVISO | CMEMS | Entry in the NCAR Climate Data Guide )

Code:module_002_code.m **

Representative journal article: Estimates of sea surface height and near‐surface alongshore coastal currents from combinations of altimeters and tide gauges (Saraceno et al. 2008, Journal of Geophysical ResearchOceans)

Faculty contributor:Prof. Kris Karnauskas

* For security reasons, this .mat file will save to your computer as a .pdf file. After downloading, simply change the extension from .pdf to .mat and it will be readable by MATLAB.

** For security reasons, this .m file will save to your computer as a .pdf file. After downloading, simply change the extension from .pdf to .m and it will be readable by MATLAB.


Module ID: 003

Synopsis: The Paris Climate Agreement, which entered into force in November 2016, aims to limit global warming to 2 degrees Centigrade (1.5 if possible) through a concerted international effort to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. The Global Carbon Project was formed "to assist the international science community to establish a common, mutually agreed knowledge base supporting policy debate and action to slow the rate of increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere." (*) With this module, students compare and contrast different sources of CO2 such as fossil fuel emissions and industry, land-use changes, as well as the ocean and land sink. Possible implementations of this module include in-class activity, lab/recitation exercise or homework assignment.

Curricular tie-ins: carbon cycle; climate change; international policy

Appropriate for: Undergraduate students.

Plausible courses: ATOC 1060; ATOC 3500; ATOC 3600; ATOC 4200; ATOC 4800

Software and skills required: Excel or similar.

Pedagogical suggestion:module_003_ped.docx

Data set:module_003_data.xlsx

Source: Global Carbon Budget 2017 ( Global Carbon Project )

Code: N/A

Representative journal article: Warning signs for stabilizing global CO2 emissions (Jackson et al. 2017, Environmental Research Letters)

Faculty contributor:Prof. Nikki Lovenduski

* About GCP


Module ID: 004

Synopsis: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) relies on the international climate modeling community to provide insight into the range of possible future changes in climate, with shifts in the global distribution of rainfall being of particular concern for society. With this module, students can quantitatively analyze the output of 30 state-of-the-art, global climate model simulations to quantify predictions of future changes in precipitation. Students can assess the significance of predicted trends relative to natural climate variability, determine the extent to which the predictions are model-dependent, and explore the overall sensitivity of the predictions to global CO2 emissions scenario. Possible implementations of this module include lab/recitation exercise, homework assignment or semester project.

Curricular tie-ins: hydroclimate; IPCC; climate change; numerical models; uncertainty

Appropriate for: Advanced undergraduates (4000-level course) and graduate students. *

Plausible courses: ATOC 4500; ATOC 4730; ATOC 5730; ATOC 6100 *

Software and skills required: MATLAB software required. A minimum of prior experience is necessary, as code is provided that can be executed and slightly modified. *

Pedagogical suggestion:module_004_ped.docx

Data set:module_004_data.mat **

Source: Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 ( Earth System Grid Federation | )

Code:module_004_code.m ***

Representative journal article: Projected changes in mean rainfall and temperature over East Africa based on CMIP5 models (Ongoma et al. 2017, International Journal of Climatology)

Faculty contributor:Prof. Kris Karnauskas

* This module can be adapted to lower-division undergraduate courses (e.g., ATOC 1060 recitation activity or ATOC 3600) if the instructor simply computes area-averaged time series from the full gridded data file provided, and provides those columnar data in Excel format to the students.

** For security reasons, this .mat file will save to your computer as a .pdf file. After downloading, simply change the extension from .pdf to .mat and it will be readable by MATLAB.

*** For security reasons, this .m file will save to your computer as a .pdf file. After downloading, simply change the extension from .pdf to .m and it will be readable by MATLAB.


Module ID: 005

Synopsis: "Two years after the discovery of the Antarctic ozone hole in 1985, nations of the world signed the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, which regulated ozone-depleting compounds. Later amendments to the Montreal Protocol completely phased out production of CFCs." (*) With this module, students can explore NASA satellite observations of the area and severity of the ozone hole in the Southern Hemisphere, make quantitative assessments of its evolution over roughly the past four decades, and think critically about international policy including comparing and contrasting the challenges and solutions associated with the ozone hole and global warming. Possible implementations of this module include in-class activity, lab/recitation exercise or homework assignment.

Curricular tie-ins: ozone; atmospheric chemistry; stratosphere; climate change; international policy

Appropriate for: Undergraduate students.

Plausible courses: ATOC 1050; ATOC 1060; ATOC 1070; ATOC 3300; ATOC 3500; ATOC 3600; ATOC 4500

Software and skills required: Excel or similar.

Pedagogical suggestion:module_005_ped.docx

Data set: module_005_data.xlsx

Source: Ozone hole area and minimum ozone ( NASA Ozone Watch )

Code: N/A

Representative journal article: Emergence of healing in the Antarctic ozone layer (Solomon et al. 2016, Science)

Faculty contributor:Prof. Kris Karnauskas

* NASA Study: First Direct Proof of Ozone Hole Recovery Due to Chemicals Ban


This project was made possible through support from the Arts & Sciences Support of Education through Technology (ASSETT) Faculty Fellows Program. For questions, comments or to propose/contribute a module, please contact Prof. Kris Karnauskas, Chair of the ATOC Technology Committee.