- Future Leaders winner, Makenna Turner, a junior at Peak to Peak Charter School in Lafayette, is working with PhD student, Abigail Zimmermann-Niefeld, in the Laboratory for Playful Computation to develop a wearable device that teaches skills, like hitting a golf ball.
- In this OP-ED piece for Communications of the ACM, Ben Shapiro and others argue that machine learning has moved from a peripheral topic within computer science to the core of what new computer scientists need to know.
- Kari Santos, ICTD alumna and member of the Laboratory for Playful Computation, lends a hand as Letang Sefako (left) and Ketletseeng Sedumago (middle) drill holes to add a hinged door to the peanut roaster they built in Kaputura,
- "His teaching methods are innovative, iterative and easy to understand, and he cares about his students." This is just one of the comments used to nominate Ben Shapiro for the 2018 Sullivan-Carlson Innovation in Education Award.
- ATLAS hosts advanced workshop for MakeCode, the JavaScript platform that vastly simplifies the creation of programming editors.
- The assignment is to play with remote control cars. Well actually, break them up and use the parts to build something else. It's an apt assignment for Arielle Hein’s Object class, which meets in the ATLAS Blow Things Up Lab.
- The Laboratory for Playful Computation has developed technology that enables middle-school students to quickly create networks, connect devices, invent apps and design wearable technology.
- Emily Daub, a senior in ATLAS Institute's Technology, Arts and Media Program, combines her passions for dance and wearable technology by creating responsive costumes for performance dance.
- Middle school students with limited prior programming experience develop interactive, creative, networked technologies.
- Assistant Professor Ben Shapiro will be the keynote speaker for the IEEE Symposium in October.