Probably Novel: Our Beginnings
Probably Novel Radio Show & Podcast was created on the fall of 2017 at the Department of Applied Mathematics (APPM) of the University of Colorado - Boulder (CU-Boulder) by Jonathan Lavington, Greg Benton, Ian Char, and Prof. Manuel Lladser. Its original goal was to showcase STEM-related research done by undergraduate students at the University and bring their audience information that takes them out of the normal realm of academics by discussing outside-the-box topics and perspectives. Since then, the show has been running weekly during the fall and spring semesters and expanded to include as guests graduate students, alumni, as well as faculty and researchers associated with the University. Probably Novel is now an official podcast of CU-Boulder Radio 1190!
More about Probably Novel origins can be found at this link.
And, for the most up-to-date information and show reminders, like and follow the Probably Novel Facebook Page !
To go back to Probably Novel's main webpage click here.
Student Hosts
Season 3.0: Perrin Ruth, María Marquez & Spas Angelov

Season 2.2 - Spring 2019: Matt Maierhofer, Grant Baker & Josh Jacobson

Season 2.1 - Fall 2018: Grant Baker, Matt Maierhofer & Joe Castagneri

Season 1.0 - Fall 2017/Spring 2018: Jon Lavington, Greg Benon & Ian Char