<p> *: denotes current and former undergraduate and graduate research assistants.</p>

<p><strong>Book Chapters</strong></p>

<p>Mathematical approaches for describing microbial populations: practice and theory for extrapolation of rich environments. [<a href="http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0470479892.html">link... />
M. Lladser, R. Knight.<br />
In “The Human Microbiota: How Microbial Communities Affect Health and Disease”<br />
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing<br />
Edited by D. Fredricks<br />
ISBN: 978-0-470-47989-6<br />
ISBN-13: 978-0470479896 (2013)</p>


<p><em>Variables Aletorias y Simulación Estocástica (translation: Random Variables and Stochastic Simulation)</em> [<a href="">link</a>]<br />
Author: M. E. Lladser<br />
Editor: Noreste Juan Carlos Sáez, Chile<br />
Edition: First.<br />
Pages: 207<br />
Language: Spanish<br />
ISBN: 9789563060683<br />
<a href="http://www.buscalibros.cl/ebooks/variables-aleatorias-simulacion-lladser... download</a><br />
<a href="http://www.antartica.cl/antartica/servlet/LibroServlet?action=fichaLibro... hardcopy (Chile)</a></p>

<p><strong>Edited Volumes</strong></p>

<p><em>Algorithmic Probability and Combinatorics.</em> [<a href="http://www.ams.org/bookstore-getitem/item=conm-520">link</a>]<br />
AMS Contemporary Mathematics, Volume 520, 240 pp. (2010)<br />
Editors: M. E. Lladser, R. Maier, M. Mishna, A. Rechnitzer.</p>

<p>​<strong>Scientific Papers</strong></p>

<li><em> Allocation of New Draws for Optimal Sampling of Urn Ensembles with Application to the Human Microbiome Project</em><br />
J. Hampton*, M. E. Lladser. Under review (2012)</li>
<p><em>Unifrac: an effective distance metric for microbial community comparison. </em>[<a href="https://www.nature.com/articles/ismej2010133.pdf">main file</a>] [<a href="https://media.nature.com/full/nature-assets/ismej/journal/v5/n2/extref/i... [<a href="https://www.nature.com/articles/ismej2010133">link</a>]<br />
C. Lozupone, M. E. Lladser, D. Knights, J. Stombaugh, R. Knight. Multidisciplinary Journal of Microbial Ecology, 5:169–172 (2011)</p>
<p><em>Chiral Histidine selection by D-ribose RNA.</em> <a href="http://rnajournal.cshlp.org/content/16/12/2370.full.pdf+html">[main file]</a> [<a href="http://rnajournal.cshlp.org/content/16/12/2370/suppl/DC1">supplement</a>] [<a href="http://rnajournal.cshlp.org/content/16/12/2370">link</a>]<br />
M. Illangasekare, R. Turk, G. C. Peterson*, M. Lladser, M. Yarus. RNA Journal, 16: 2370-2383 (2010)</p>
<p><em>Natural and artificial RNAs occupy the same restricted region of sequence space. </em>[<a href="http://rnajournal.cshlp.org/content/16/2/280.full.pdf+html">main file</a>] [<a href="http://rnajournal.cshlp.org/content/16/2/280.short">link</a>]<br />
R. Kennedy*, M. E. Lladser, Z. Wu, C. Zhang, M. Yarus, H. De Sterck, R. Knight. RNA Journal, 16(2): 280–289 (2010)</p>
<p><em>Comparison of methods for estimating the nucleotide substitution matrix.</em> [<a href="http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1471-2105-9-511.pdf">main file</a>] [<a href="http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2105/9/511">link</a>]<br />
M. Oscamou*, D. McDonald, V.-B. Yap, G. A. Huttley, M. E. Lladser, R. Knight. BMC Bioinformatics, 9:511 (2008)</p>
<p><em>Information, probability, and the abundance of the simplest RNA active sites.</em> [<a href="http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~kenry/FIB2008.pdf">main file</a>] [<a href="http://www.bioscience.org/2008/v13/af/3137/fulltext.asp?bframe=3.htm&amp... />
R. Kenney*, M. E. Lladser, M. Yarus, R. Knight. Front Biosci. 13:6060-71 (2008)</p>

<p><strong>Mathematics & Applied Mathematics Papers</strong></p>

<p><em>Approximation of sojourn-times via maximal couplings: motif frequency distributions</em> [<a href="http://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs00285-013-0690-6.pdf">pd... [<a href="http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00285-013-0690-6">link</a>]<br />
M. E. Lladser, S. Chestnut*. J. Math. Biol. DOI 10.1007/s00285-013-0690-6 (2013)</p>
<p><em>Estimation of Distribution Overlap of Urn Models.</em> [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/fetchObjectAttachment.action?uri=info%3Ad... [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.00423... />
J. Hampton*, M. E. Lladser. PloS ONE, 7(11): e42368 (2012)</p>
<p><em>Random Cayley digraphs of diameter 2 and given degree.</em> [<a href="http://www.dmtcs.org/dmtcs-ojs/index.php/dmtcs/article/view/2025/4055">p... [<a href="http://www.dmtcs.org/dmtcs-ojs/index.php/dmtcs/article/view/2025">link</... />
M. E. Lladser, P. Potocnik, J. Širáň, M. C. Wilson. Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 14:2, 83-90 (2012)</p>
<p><em>Toward the asymptotic count of bi-modular hidden patterns under probabilistic dynamical sources: a case study.</em> [<a href="http://www.dmtcs.org/dmtcs-ojs/index.php/proceedings/article/view/dmAQ01... [<a href="http://www.dmtcs.org/dmtcs-ojs/index.php/proceedings/issue/view/125">lin... />
L. Lhothe, M. E. Lladser. Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Proceedings, AQ: 425-452 (2012)</p>
<p><em>Extrapolation of urn models via Poissonization: Accurate measurements of the microbial unknown.</em> [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/fetchObjectAttachment.action?uri=info%3Ad... [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.00211... />
M. E. Lladser, R. Gouet, J. Reeder. PloS ONE, 6(6): e21105 (2011)</p>
<p><em>Occupancy distributions in Markov chains via Doeblin's ergodicity coefficient.</em> [<a href="http://www.dmtcs.org/dmtcs-ojs/index.php/proceedings/article/view/dmAM01... [<a href="http://www.dmtcs.org/dmtcs-ojs/index.php/proceedings/article/view/dmAM01... />
S. Chestnut*, M. E. Lladser. Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Proceedings, AM:79-92 (2010)</p>
<p><em>Prediction of unseeing proportions in urn models with restricted sampling.</em> [<a href="http://www.siam.org/proceedings/analco/2009/anl09_012_lladserm.pdf">pdf<... [<a href="http://www.siam.org/proceedings/analco/2009/analco09.php">link</a>]<br />
M. E. Lladser. Proceedings of the 2009 Analysis of Algorithms and Combinatorics workshop, pp. 85-91 (2009)</p>
<p><em>Multiple pattern matching: A Markov chain approach.</em> [<a href="http://www.springerlink.com/content/j14112w2k4440172/fulltext.pdf">pdf</a>] [<a href="http://www.springerlink.com/content/j14112w2k4440172/">link</a>]<br />
M. E. Lladser, M.D. Betterton, R. Knight. J Math Biol. 56(1-2):51-92 (2008)</p>
<p><em>Markovian embeddings of general random strings.</em> [<a href="http://www.siam.org/proceedings/analco/2008/anl08_017lladserm.pdf">pdf]</a> [<a href="http://www.siam.org/proceedings/analco/2008/analco08.php">link</a>]<br />
M. E. Lladser. Proceedings of the 2008 Analysis of Algorithms and Combinatorics workshop, pp. 183-190 (2008)</p>
<p><em>Semi-supervised learning of a Markovian metric.</em> [<a href="http://www.siam.org/proceedings/datamining/2008/dm08_42_%20Bijral.pdf">p... [<a href="http://www.siam.org/proceedings/datamining/2008/dm08.php">link</a>]<br />
A.S. Bijral*, M. E. Lladser, G. Grudic. 2008 SIAM Conference on Data Mining Conference, pp. 466-471 (2008)</p>
<p><em>Uniqueness of polynomial cannonical representations.</em> [<a href="http://www.dmtcs.org/dmtcs-ojs/index.php/proceedings/article/viewFile/dm... [<a href="http://www.dmtcs.org/dmtcs-ojs/index.php/proceedings/article/view/dmAH01... />
M. E. Lladser. 2007 Conference on Analysis of Algorithms, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Proceedings, AH, 463-470 (2007)</p>
<p><em>Minimal Markov chain embeddings of pattern problems</em> [<a href="http://ita.ucsd.edu/workshop/07/files/paper/paper_505.pdf">pdf</a>] [<a href="http://ita.ucsd.edu/workshop/07/talks">link</a>]<br />
M. E. Lladser. Proceedings of the 2007 Information Theory and Applications Workshop, University of California, San Diego (2007)</p>
<p><em>Mixed powers of generating functions.</em> [<a href="http://www.dmtcs.org/dmtcs-ojs/index.php/proceedings/article/view/dmAG01... [<a href="http://www.dmtcs.org/dmtcs-ojs/index.php/proceedings/article/view/dmAG01... />
M. E. Lladser. Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Proceedings, AG, 171-182 (2006)</p>
<p><em>Uniform formulae for coefficients of meromorphic functions in two variables. Part I.</em> [<a href="http://scitation.aip.org/getpdf/servlet/GetPDFServlet?filetype=pdf&amp;i... [<a href="http://epubs.siam.org/sidma/resource/1/sjdmec/v20/i4/p811_s1">link</a>]<br />
M. E. Lladser. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 20, 811-828 (2006)</p>
<p><em>Domain of attraction of the quasi-stationary distributions of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.</em> [<a href="http://projecteuclid.org/DPubS/Repository/1.0/Disseminate?handle=euclid.... [<a href="http://projecteuclid.org/DPubS?service=UI&amp;version=1.0&amp;verb=Displ... />
M. E. Lladser and J. San Martin. Journal of Applied Probability,  Vol. 37,  No. 2, 511-520 (2000)</p>


<p><em>Asymptotic enumeration via singularity analysis</em>.<br />
M. E. Lladser. Ph.D. dissertation, The Ohio State University (2003)<br />
Graduate Advisor: Dr. Robin Pemantle</p>
<p><em>Dominio de atracción de las distribuciones quasi-estacionarias del processo del Ornstein-Uhlenbeck.</em><br />
M. E. Lladser. Thesis for the professional degree of Mathematical Civil Engineering, Universidad de Chile (1996)<br />
Undergraduate Advisor: Dr. Jaime San Martin</p>

<p><strong>Former Student Theses</strong></p>

<p><em>Dissimilarity and optimal sampling in urn models.</em> [<a href="http://gradworks.umi.com/3527293.pdf">pdf</a>] [<a href="http://gradworks.umi.com/35/27/3527293.html">link</a>]<br />
Jerrad Hampton, Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado (2012)</p>
<p><em>Approximating Markov chain occupancy distributions.</em> [<a href="http://gradworks.umi.com/14/81/1481128.html">link</a>]<br />
Stephen Chestnut, M.S. in Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado (2010)</p>
<p><em>Fairness Analysis via Poissonization.</em> [<a href="http://gradworks.umi.com/14/76/1476971.html">link</a>]<br />
Geoffrey C.L. Peterson, M.S. in Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado (2010)</p>
<p><em>Calculating RNA motif probabilities and recognizing patterns in sequence data. </em>[<a href="http://www.cs.colorado.edu/department/publications/theses/docs/bs/ryan_k... />
R. Kennedy, B.S. in Computer Science, University of Colorado (2009)</p>


<p>Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium, Bowling Green State University, NOV/2012</p>
<p>2012 RNA Workshop, Benasque, Spain, JUL-AUG/2012</p>
<p>8th International Purdue Symposium on Statistics, Purdue, JUN/2012</p>
<p>23rd International Meeting on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms, University of Montreal, Canada, JUN/2012</p>
<p>2012 International Workshop on Applied Probability, Jerusalem, Israel, JUN/2012</p>
<p>22th International Meeting on Probabilistic, Combinatorial, and Asymptotic Methods in the Analysis of Algorithms, Bedlewo, Poland, JUN/2011</p>
<p>22nd International Meeting on Probabilistic, Combinatorial, and Asymptotic Methods in the Analysis of Algorithms, Bedlewo, Poland, JUN/2011 (speaker: J. Hampton)</p>
<p>15th International Conference on Random Structures and Algorithms, Emory University, Atlanta, JUN/2011</p>
<p>Seminar of Stochastic Modeling, Center of Mathematical Modeling, Chile, JUN/2011</p>
<p>2011 Frontier Probability Days, Salt Lake City, Utah, MAR/2011</p>
<p>Mathematics Colloquium, Iowa State University, MAR/2011</p>
<p>Statistics Seminar, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, FEB/2011</p>
<p>Science Short Presentation, CIMB meeting, DEC/2010</p>
<p>CIMBposium Poster Session, University of Colorado - Boulder, NOV/2010 (speaker: J. Hampton)</p>
<p>Bioinformatics Supergroup, University of Colorado - Boulder, OCT/2010</p>
<p>Combinatorics and Probability Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Pennsylvania, SEP/2010</p>
<p>21st International Meeting on Probabilistic, Combinatorial, and Asymptotic Methods in the Analysis of Algorithms, Vienna, Austria, JUN/2010</p>
<p>Séminaire d'algorithmique, Département d'informatique, University of Caen, France, JUN/2010</p>
<p>Probability and Statistics Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Colorado - Boulder, APR/2010</p>
<p>SIAM's Graduate Chapter, University of Colorado - Boulder, MAR/2010 (speaker: S. Chestnut)</p>
<p>Combinatorics Seminar, Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique, Université Bordeaux 1, Bordeaux, France, FEB/2010</p>
<p>Butcher Symposium on Genomics and Biotechnology, University of Colorado, NOV/2009</p>
<p>Bioinformatics Supergroup, University of Colorado, NOV/2009 (speaker: G. C. Peterson)</p>
<p>20th International Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial, and Asymptotic Methods in the Analysis of Algorithms, Fréjus, France, JUN/2009</p>
<p>Fields-MITACS Summer School in Applied Probability, Department of Mathematics, University of Carleton, Canada, MAY/09 (speaker: A. Sen)</p>
<p>Fields-MITACS Summer School in Applied Probability, Department of Mathematics, University of Carleton, Canada, MAY/09 (speaker: J. Hampton)</p>
<p>Fields-MITACS Summer School in Applied Probability, Department of Mathematics, University of Carleton, Canada, MAY/09 (speaker: S. Chestnut)</p>
<p>Applied Mathematics Colloquium, University of Colorado, APR/2009</p>
<p>Department of Informatics, University of Caen, France, MAR/2009</p>
<p>2009 Analysis of Algorithms and Combinatorics Workshop, New York, JAN/2009</p>