Contagion on Complex Social Systems 2022

Contagion on Complex Social Systems (CCSS) 2022 is an interdisciplinary workshop gathering world leaders and young researchers in topics related to modeling of contagion in social systems in order to promote and cross-fertilize various computational and modeling approaches.
Schedule and Zoom info
The schedule is HERE (all times Mountain Time)
The list of titles and abstracts is HERE
Zoom room is, Password: contagion (however, we encourage locals to attend in-person)
When: August 10-12, 2022
Location: University of Colorado Boulder (Workshop will take place in the Discovery Learning Center (DLC))
Type: Single track
Tentative daily schedule: Morning session 9-12, lunch 12-2, Afternoon session 2-5
Partial funding for travel and lodging will be provided for US-based participants while funds last.
Invited Speakers
Jessica Davis, Northeastern University
Laurent Hébert-Dufresne, University of Vermont
Stephen Kissler, Harvard University
Daniel Larremore, University of Colorado at Boulder
Joel Miller, La Trobe University
Heather Zinn Brooks, Harvey Mudd College
The workshop is free to everyone.
Lodging Arrangements
A discounted rate has been arranged with the Embassy Suites in Boulder.
National Science Foundation
Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado at Boulder
University of Colorado at Boulder, Research and Innovation Office
Organizing Committee
Juan G. Restrepo (co-Chair, CU Boulder), Nicholas Landry (co-Chair, Vermont), Joel Miller (La Trobe), Heather Zinn Brooks (Harvey Mudd), jimi adams (CU Denver), Saray Shai (Wesleyan)