A sign saying don't take away my birth control

Post-Roe, contraception could be next

Oct. 9, 2023

During a panel at Science Writers 2023, CU researchers warned the Dobbs decision, which repealed the constitutional right to an abortion, could also limit access to birth control.

a hospital ward during the flu epidemic of 1918

1918 flu pandemic myth debunked by skeletal remains

Oct. 9, 2023

A study of century-old bones from an Ohio museum reveals that, contrary to popular belief, the deadly influenza pandemic, like COVID, hit the frail the hardest.


How silencing a gene-silencer could lead to new cancer drugs

Sept. 25, 2023

New CU Boulder research reveals how a molecular machine known as PRC2 helps determine which cells become heart cells, versus brain or muscle or skin cells. The findings shed light on how development occurs and could pave the way for novel cancer treatments.

A police officer gives a volunteer a roadside sobriety test

A reliable cannabis breathalyzer? Possible, but not easy

Sept. 11, 2023

CU Boulder and the National Institute of Standards and Technology are teaming up to help adapt a 90-year-old system for detecting alcohol for a new age of cannabis legalization. A new study suggests it won’t be easy.

Two people holding hands

News flash: Opposites don't actually attract

Aug. 31, 2023

A new, sweeping CU Boulder analysis suggests birds of a feather are indeed more likely to flock together, confirming what individual studies have hinted at for decades.

A woman holding her pill box

Why breast cancer survivors don’t take their meds, and what can be done about it

Aug. 28, 2023

Hormone-blocking drugs can be life-saving for breast cancer survivors, reducing risk of recurrence by as much as 50%. Yet many patients stop taking them early or don’t take them as directed. A new CU Boulder study explores why, and what can be done about it.

Two people at a point-of-sale system. (Clay Banks/Unsplash)

‘The pill’ will soon be available over the counter. The impacts could be sweeping

July 13, 2023

Federal regulators approved the first over-the-counter oral contraceptive. CU Boulder’s Amanda Stevenson says the impacts could be sweeping. But she cautions that real threats to contraceptive access in the U.S. still exist.

A woman's face, analyzed by facial recognition software

Why new facial-recognition airport screenings are raising concerns

July 11, 2023

At least 25 U.S. airports now use facial recognition software to determine you are who you say you are, but some fear the artificial intelligence systems will exacerbate discrimination. Morgan Klaus Scheuerman, an AI ethicist, explains why people are concerned.

Orange light and smoke billow over mountain tops. (Photo by Malachi Brooks on Unsplash)

To prevent the next major wildfire, we need a ‘Smokey Bear for the suburbs’

June 29, 2023

With the Fourth of July approaching and a thick green carpet of fuel covering much of the West after a rainy spring, CU Boulder fire ecologist Jennifer Balch is calling on people to do their part to prevent the next megafire.

Breast tumor seen under a microscope

When it comes to treating resistant breast cancer, 2 drugs may be better than 1

June 15, 2023

New research shows that cancer cells can adapt in as little as one to two hours to new drugs called CDK2 inhibitors. The good news: Adding a second, widely available drug disables this workaround, squelching tumor growth.
