Expansive Participatory AI: Supporting Dreaming within Inequitable Institutions.

Expansive Participatory AI: Supporting Dreaming within Inequitable Institutions Authors: Chang, M.A., Dudy, S. Publication date: 2022 Type: Human-Centered AI Workshop, Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems New Orleans, LA.

Grounded Meaning for Situated Reasoning

Grounded Meaning for Situated Reasoning Authors: Krishnaswamy, N. and Pustejovsky., J. Publication Date: November, 2022 Type: Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing

Engaging youth in envisioning artificial intelligence in classrooms: Lessons learned

Engaging youth in envisioning artificial intelligence in classrooms: Lessons learned Authors: Chang, M. A., Philip, T. M., Cortez, A., McKoy, A., Sumner, T., & Penuel, W. R. Publication date: November, 2022 Type: Rapid Community Report Series. Digital Promise and the International Society of the Learning Sciences.

“Beautiful Work, You’re Rock Stars!”: Teacher Analytics to Uncover Discourse that Supports or Undermines Student Motivation, Identity, and Belonging in Classrooms. 

“Beautiful work, you’re rock stars!”: Teacher analytics to uncover discourse that supports or undermines student motivation, identity, and belonging in classrooms Authors: Hunkins, N., Kelly, S., D’Mello, S. K. Publication Date: 2022 Type: Conference Proceeding: Proceedings of the 12th Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference (LAK 2022)

Toward Automated Detection of Phase Change in Team Collaboration

Toward automated detection of phase change in team collaboration Authors: Harrison, J., Jain, S., Dunbar, T., Gorman, J., Varma, S. Publication Date: 2022 Type: Conference Proceeding: Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society

Building an Emotionally Responsive Avatar with Dynamic Facial Expressions in Human-Computer Interactions

Building an emotionally responsive avatar with dynamic facial expressions in human-computer interactions Authors: Wang, H., Gaddy, V., Beveridge, R., Ortega, F. Publication date: 03-20-2021 Type: Article Journal: Multimodal Technologies and Interaction

A Pose Proposal and Refinement Network for Better 6D Object Pose Estimation

A pose proposal and refinement network for better 6D object pose estimation Authors: Trabelsi, A., Chaabane, M., Blanchard, N., Beveridge, R. Publication date: 01-2021 Type: Conference Proceeding

Say What? Automatic Modeling of Collaborative Problem Solving Skills from Student Speech in the Wild

Say what? Automatic modeling of collaborative problem solving skills from student speech in the wild Authors: Pugh, S., Subburaj, S.K., Rao, A.R., Steward, A., Andrews-Todd, J., D'Mello, S.K., Publication Date: 06-29-2021 Type: Conference Proceeding

Compositional embedding models for speaker identification and diarization with simultaneous speech from 2+ speakers

Compositional embedding models for speaker identification and diarization with simultaneous speech 2+ speakers Authors: Li, D. and Whitehill, J. Publication Date: 06-06-2021 Type: Conference Proceeding: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)

Embodied Multimodal Agents to Bridge the Understanding Gap

Embodied multimodal agents to bridge the understanding gap Authors: Krishnaswamy, N., and Alalyani, N. Publication Date: 04-20-2021 Type: Conference Proceeding: Workshop on Bridging Human-Computer Interaction and Natural Language Processing (HCI+NLP)
