You've applied to graduate this May. As you know, because you're on full privacy, your name won't appear in newspapers, on honors and awards lists, or in the 2023–24 commencement program.
Web grading for Spring 2024 opens for full-semester classes on Tuesday, April 30. To support student success, be sure to enter, approve and post each class's grades by the posted deadline. Late grades can lead to serious negative consequences for your students.
Registration is open for Fall 2024, but it doesn't look like you've enrolled in classes yet. We encourage you to register as soon as possible for the best chance to get the classes, class times and/or instruction modes you want.
When adding or changing double-listed courses, both the undergraduate and graduate level course forms must be edited and submitted in the curriculum inventory management system ( CIM for Courses ). Please submit both forms at the same time as they need to be entered into Campus Solutions simultaneously.