Condensed Matter Physics
The field of condensed matter physics explores the macroscopic and microscopic properties of matter. Condensed Matter physicists study how matter arises from a large number of interacting atoms and electrons, and what physical properties it has as a result of these interactions.
Traditionally, condensed matter physics is split into "hard" condensed matter physics, which studies quantum properties of matter, and "soft" condensed matter physics which studies those properties of matter for which quantum mechanics plays no role.
The condensed matter field is considered one of the largest and most versatile sub-fields of study in physics, primarily due to the diversity of topics and phenomena that are available to study. Breakthroughs in the field of condensed matter physics have led to the discovery and use of liquid crystals, modern plastic and composite materials and the discovery of the Bose-Einstein Condensate.
CU Boulder faculty who study Condensed Matter physics are engaged in exploring the theoretical models of condensed matter, as well as experimenting with and observing the behaviors of condensed matter in a lab environment.
Condensed Matter Research Groups
By putting theory to practice, our award-winning faculty use state-of-the-art technology to explore and observe fascinating phenomena at the quantum level. Faculty in the experimental condensed matter field work with primarily graduate and post-doc students in order to conduct research. Occassionally, undergraduate students are invited to participate in research activities.
Soft Materials Research Center
Research is directed toward understanding and using the properties of condensed phases, ranging from experiments on the fundamental physics of phase transitions and chirality in liquid crystals, to the importance of liquid crystal ordering in the self-assembly of DNA and its role in the evolution of life in a pre-biotic earth, to the development of liquid crystal electro-optic light valves.
Center for Experiments on Quantum Materials
The CEQM investigates new materials with emergent quantum properties. The center combines the expertise of its fellows in materials synthesis, characterization, and control of quantum phases through novel experimental techniques. Center participants include the University of Colorado and neighboring institutions along the Colorado Front Range including Colorado State University, Colorado School of Mines, NIST, and NREL.
Cao Group
We are interested in discovery and study of novel quantum materials that are driven by a combined effect of spin-orbit interactions and electron-electron correlation. Our research program encompasses a methodical search for new materials in single-crystal form, and a systematic effort to elucidate the underlying physics of these materials. Our group is equipped with (1) advanced techniques and comprehensive facilities to synthesize bulk single crystals of a wide range of materials, in particular, novel transition metal oxides and chalcogenides, and (2) a wide spectrum of tools for experimental studies of structural, transport, magnetic, thermal and dielectric properties as functions of chemical composition, temperature, magnetic field, and pressure. Measurements are often carried out at extreme conditions, i.e., ultralow temperatures, high magnetic fields and high pressures. We have also established broad collaborations with leading scientists in the US and around the world.
Dessau Group
We use femtosecond optics and electron spectroscopic tools for the study of the electronic structure, magnetic structure, and phase transitions of novel materials systems such as high temperature superconductors (HTSCs or cuprates) and colossal magnetoresistive oxides (CMRs or manganites).
Lee Lab
My group aims to identify and understand new states of matters arising from interactions among multiple degrees of freedom and strong electronics correlation. We use the transport properties of quasiparticles and thermodynamic characteristics to investigate a wide range of quantum materials and their new phases, under high magnetic field and low temperature environment.
Lehnert Laboratory
In our lab, we study the quantum behavior of small electrical or electro-mechanical circuits.
Reznik Group
We use X-ray and neutron scattering to study electron properties of many exciting materials.
Rogers Group
Our group is working on the nanoelectromechanical behavior of nanowires and fabricated electromechanical structures and surface/bulk molecular dipole systems.
Smalyukh Lab
Our scientific interests encompass different branches of soft condensed matter and optical physics, including novel laser trapping and imaging techniques, molecular and colloidal self-assembly, fundamental properties of liquid crystals, polymers, nano-structured and other functional materials, as well as their photonic and electrooptic applications.
Raschke Nano-Optics Group
We use and develop nonlinear and ultrafast optical scanning probe techniques to study domain formation, dynamics, and phase transitions in complex oxides, including ferroelectrics, and multiferroics, with emphasis on effects of reduced dimensionality and quantum confinement.
Ullom Group - NIST
My research is focused on developing superconducting electronics for sensing across much of the electromagnetic spectrum. For example, superconducting sensors can be used for high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy, and for the detection of astrophysical millimeter-wave radiation from the cosmic microwave background. Current research projects include very basic topics (what is the resistance mechanism in thin-film superconducting sensors?) and very applied topics (the construction and delivery of complete instruments to various observatories). Devices of interest include transition-edge thermal sensors, kinetic inductance sensors, superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs), and tunnel junction refrigerators.
Theoretical physics forms the foundation of modern physics. Using fundamental principles in math and physics, the faculty who explore theoretical condensed matter physics utilize hypothetical, mathematical models to calculate, explain and predict the behaviors of various and changing forms of matter.
Center for Theory of Quantum Matter
The CTQM conducts theoretical physics research focused on macroscopic quantum matter. This research area is a focal topic that transcends traditional discipline boundaries, unifying the otherwise disparate fields of condensed matter physics; atomic, molecular and optical (AMO) physics; nuclear physics; high energy physics; and quantum information science.
Paul Beale
My research interests are thermodynamics and statistical mechanics of condensed matter systems, phase transitions and critical phenomena, Ising model and other spin models, solid-liquid phase transitions, random materials, liquid crystals, Monte Carlo methods and pseudorandom number generators. I am also engaged in physics education research projects involving upper-division courses for physics majors.
Victor Gurarie
I am interested in exact methods of statistical mechanics and quantum field theory, with applications to problems of quantum Hall effect, disordered conductors and insulators and problems arising in the field of ultracold atoms.
Michael Hermele
My research is focused on strongly correlated quantum systems -- both in solid state materials and in ultra-cold atomic gases -- where interactions among the constituent particles produce qualitative effects. My interests encompass topological phases of matter, quantum criticality, strongly interacting quantum field theories, and a variety of specific systems including ultra-cold alkaline earth atoms, 5d transition metal oxides, and others.
Andrew Lucas
My group works at the interface of theoretical condensed matter, high energy, mathematical and atomic physics. We specialize in the study of dynamics in strongly interacting quantum many-body systems.
Rahul Nandkishore
Complex many-body systems can display qualitatively new physics. The search for such emergent phenomena is a central goal of condensed matter physics. My research is focused on the search for new emergent phenomena in quantum many body systems with strong interactions and/or strong randomness. I work on systems both in and out of equilbrium. Particular topics of interest include (but are not limited to): non-equilibrium quantum statistical mechanics, many body localization and thermalization, field theory of correlated systems, Dirac fermions, unconventional superconductors, and the interplay of disorder and interactions.
Leo Radzihovsky
I am interested in a broad range of condensed matter phenomena, just about anything, where interactions and fluctuations play a qualitative role. These range from rubber to liquid crystals and colloids, superconductors to quantum atomic gases and the quantum Hall effect, vortex lattices to charge density waves. Even if not always the highest hit on science citation index, some of this work has even inspired a song on youtube.
Rey Theory Group
Our research interests are in the scientific interface between atomic, molecular and optical physics, condensed matter physics and quantum information science. Specifically, on ways of developing new techniques for controlling quantum systems and then using them in various applications ranging from quantum simulations/information to time and frequency standards.
- Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
- Biophysics
- Chemical Physics
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Geophysics
- High Energy Physics
- Nuclear Physics
- Physics Education Research
- Plasma Physics
- Gravitational Physics
- Astrophysics and Planetary Sciences
- History and Philosophy of Science
- Graduate Research Opportunities
- Undergraduate Research Opportunities
- Fabrication Facilities