February 29, 2020: Temporary Restriction on Entering the U.S. after Travel from Iran
Temporary Restriction on Entering the U.S. after Travel from Iran
On January 31, 2020 the federal Health and Human Services declared a public health emergency as a result of confirmed cases of 2019 novel coronavirus in the United States.
Under a presidential proclamation issued February 29, 2020, the following restriction took effect at 5 p.m. (EST) on Monday, March 2, 2020 and applies to individuals who have recently traveled to Iran and wish to enter the United States:
- Foreign nationals (not a U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident) – other than immediate family of U.S. citizens and permanent residents – who have traveled to Iran within the last 14 days will be denied entry into the United States. The presidential proclamation describes who may qualify as an immediate family member of a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
The restrictions on individuals who have recently travel to China under the presidential proclamation issued January 31, 2020 remain in effect. Please see the previous ISSS Immigration Alert for more information on the presidential proclamation issued January 31, 2020.
Therefore, based on the presidential proclamation, if you are a foreign national (not a U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident) and you depart the United States and travel to China and/or Iran, you will not be able to return to the United States until 14 days have passed unless you meet the definition of an immediate family member of a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident. These restrictions will remain in effect until the president terminates them.
International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS)
We want you to feel supported, safe, and comfortable during your time at CU Boulder and in the United States. Please know that if you need to talk or have any questions, our doors, ears and hearts are always open. The ISSS office is located in the Center for Community, Room S355 (third floor). We offer drop-in advising hours Monday through Friday between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. except for Wednesdays when we offer drop-in advising between 12:30 p.m. and 3 p.m. You can also email us anytime.
ISSS wants you to know you can always talk to us or use the other resources on campus.
Here are some resources we recommend:
- Faculty and Staff: Reach out to the Faculty & Staff Assistance Program to set up a time to chat with a trained counselor.
We are glad that you have chosen to be a part of the CU Boulder community. We are here to support you so please reach out to us if you need anything.