INSTAAR researchers publish influential scientific papers and other publications, many of which are highly cited or gain news or social media coverage. These publications are part of CU Boulder’s overall excellence in the Earth and environmental sciences. Collectively, CU-Boulder papers in the geosciences generate more citations than those of any other university in the world.
Browse our INSTAAR publications, along with lists of theses and scientific publications by INSTAAR researchers.
Theses & dissertations
Student research is a vital part of INSTAAR's mission. In a typical year, 10-15 graduate students finish documenting their research and complete their degrees. Additionally, undergraduate students with INSTAAR advisors complete their theses. The buttons below show a selection of student theses and dissertations from 1998 to present.
View theses and dissertations
Occasional Papers
INSTAAR published 61 documents in its Occasional Papers series from 1971–2013. These documents include meeting proceedings and map series as well as compilations and assessements of glacier data, radiocarbon dates, water quality, and more.
Popular papers in this series
55. Glacier Mass Balance and Regime: Data of Measurements and Analysis (2 MB PDF). By Mark Dyurgerov, with editors Mark Meier and Richard Armstrong. 2002. 268 pp.
61. The Glaciers of Mongolia (11 MB PDF). By Ulrich Kamp, Brandon Krumwiede, Kevin McManigal, Caleb Pan, Michael Walther, and Avirmed Dashtseren. 2013. 43 pp.
Recent publications
The below listings show most of INSTAAR's recent publications, derived from the CU Experts website.
Some of our publications are missing, particularly from retired and emeriti faculty and students. In addition, student-authored publications are only included if they are co-authored by an INSTAAR faculty member. We are working with the university to help make its publications database more complete in the future.