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Solid Earth

NameResearch FocusAffiliation(s)*
Bob AndersonGeomorphologyGEOL and INSTAAR
Michael CalkinsGeophysical and astrophysical fluid dynamicsPHYS
Alisha ClarkExperimental magma and mineral physicsGEOL
Lang FarmerRadiogenic isotope geochemistryGEOL and CIRES
Khosro Ghobadi-FarSpace geodesyASEN and CIRES
Craig Jones
Program Committee Chair
Geophysics and tectonicsGEOL and CIRES
Kathryn MaternaSpace geodesy, crustal deformation, earthquake hazards.GEOL and CIRES
Karl MuellerCoseismic growth and effects of erosion on active structures. Compressive structures on Mars and Mercury and their relation to heat flow.GEOL
Steve Nerem Program CommitteeSatellite altimetry, geodesyASEN and CIRES
Michael RitzwollerSeismology and Earth Structure, Imaging, Ambient Noise tomographyPHYS
Anne SheehanSeismology, Geophysics, Plate Tectonics, and Earth StructureGEOL and CIRES
Kristy TiampoGeodetic and remote sensing data used to better understand the processes that govern natural and anthropogenic hazards such as earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, groundwater extraction and induced seismicity and their impact on infrastructure and societyGEOL and CIRES
Nathalie Vriend
Program Committee
Geomorphology and Fluid DynamicsMCEN
Michael WillisCurrent and future contributions of land based ice are to changing sea level. (now CU Adjunct; moved to Virginia Tech)GEOL and CIRES

Yida Zhang

Program Committee

Constitutive modeling of geomaterials (soil, rock) interacting with environmental factors (adsorption, dissolution, elevated temperature), micromechanics of granular materials, unsaturated soil behaviors, numerical modeling in geotechnical engineering and energy geotechnicsCVEN
Shijie Zhong
Program Committee
Dynamics of the Planetary InteriorsPHYS


NameResearch FocusAffiliation(s)
Dan BakerMagnetospheres of Earth and planetsAPS and LASP
David BrainPlasma environments and atmospheres of unmagnetized planetsAPS and LASP
Bob ErgunAuroral processes at Earth and JupiterAPS and LASP
Larry EspositoObservational and theoretical studies of planetary atmospheresAPS and LASP
Paul Hayne
Program Committee
Surfaces and atmospheres of icy planets and moonsAPS and LASP
Brian HynekGeologic, hydrologic, and climatic histories of the planet MarsGEOL and LASP
Bruce JakoskyPlanetary surfaces and astrobiologyGEOL and LASP
Nick SchneiderPlanetary atmospheres, planetary astronomy, space physics, instrumentation, and scientific visualizationAPS and LASP

Snow and Ice

NameResearch FocusAffiliation(s)
Waleed Abdalati
Program Committee
Glaciers, ice sheets, and environmental remote sensingCIRES, ESOC, and GEOG
Ute Herzfeld
Program Committee
Glaciology, sea ice research, geomathematics, geophysics, active and passive remote sensingECEE and CIRES
Tad PfefferGlaciology and geophysicsCVEN and INSTAAR
Marc SerrezeArctic climate; global implications; and climate warming in the ArcticCIRES, NSIDC, and GEOG


NameResearch FocusAffiliation(s)
Fran BagenalMagnetospheres of the giant planetsAPS and LASP
Peter BenderSpace geodesyJILA and PHYS
Roger BilhamCrustal deformation measurement, space geodesy, and seismotectonics of plate
boundaries. Global seismic hazard.
Robert EngdahlSeismology, Earth structure, and earthquakesPHYS
James FallerGravimetry instrumentationPHYS and JILA
Alex GoetzRemote sensing of Earth materialsGEOL and CIRES
Anatoly LevshinSeismology, surface waves, and Earth structurePHYS
Stephen MojzsisGeophysical and geochemical dynamics of planet formationGEOL
Doug RobertsonGeodesy, earth rotation, gravityCIRES and NOAA
Joseph SmythMineral Physics: crystal structure controls on physical and chemical properties of minerals as related to the structure and composition of the Earth's mantleGEOL
Hartmut SpetzlerRock and mineral physicsGEOL and CIRES
James SyvitskiSediment transport, oceanography, marine geophysics, numerical modelingGEOL and INSTAAR
Paul WeimerSequence stratigraphy and basin analysis, 3-D seismic interpretation, reservoir geology, petroleum systems of deep-water continental marginsGEOL