The CNC Milling Lab houses CNC mills that are capable of 2 ½-axis profiling and 3-axis surfacing and 4-axis milling. These machines are operated by our Creative Labs managers. Students are required to submit a properly formatted Rhinoceros 3D file prior to scheduling a fabrication time. There is no charge for CNC router time, however, it is up to the student to purchase their own sheet material. Select options of high-grade plywood and MDF is available for sale in the Creative Labs Center.
Students will need to submit their files through the PaperCut web service. PaperCut can be access through the Creative Labs Canvas Course. Be sure to click on "Print Rooms/FabLabs" to submit your job, and that you have selected your pickup location. Once the file has been approved it will be placed in the queue.
Please allow 3-7 business days for execution. This will depend on the current load of project files. Typically, the CNC lab will have the longest turn around time.
- 4' x 8 ' CNC 4-axis ability
- 2' x 3' CNC (3-axis)
- Desktop CNC for aluminum milling
- 4' x 3' plasma CNC