EMEN 4100 - Engineering Economics
Instructor: Seth Murray
Suggested prior knowledge: None
Prerequisites: None
Semester(s) Offered: See course list
Course Description
Introduces engineering cost concepts, financial statements and the corporate economic environment. Includes concepts and methods of analysis of the time value of money, project cost estimation, cash flow analysis, replacement analysis, risk management and financial case statements.
For information about this course please contact the instructor, Seth Murray, at Seth.Murray@colorado.edu.
*Note: This page is periodically updated. For the most up-to-date course information for the current term, log into the Buff Portal or go to the Course Search (for those without campus login credentials).

Seth Murray

Dr. Murray is an engineer and entrepreneur with 20+ years of professional experiences.
He specializes in product development, manufacturing, marketing, and finance.
His CU Boulder engineering degrees include: BS - Mechanical, ME - Management, and a PhD - Civil.