Dr. Michael Readey joined the Engineering Management Program in 2016 after 25 years in industry, working for both large, multinational companies and small engineering businesses. His experience ranges from developing innovative materials technologies to taking early-stage R&D initiatives and transforming them into profitable new ventures, navigating complex organizational, technical, and regulatory issues along the way. As a passionate environmentalist, he has devoted his career to developing engineered solutions that support carbon-free energy, cleaner air, and cleaner water for a rapidly growing world.
Here at CU Boulder, Dr. Readey’s goal is to help the next generation of leaders create and manage more socially and environmentally responsible businesses. By infusing principles of sustainability and regeneration into all of his courses, he hopes to enable today’s students to achieve their vision of a more sustainable and resilient future.
Dr. Readey received his B.S. and M.S. in Ceramic Engineering from Ohio State University, his Ph.D. in Materials Science from Case Western Reserve University, and Business Management Certificates from Northwestern University and Bradley University. Throughout his career he has contributed over 42 publications, edited two books, obtained 4 patents, and has given over 250 presentations around the world in the areas of materials and process technology, emissions catalyst systems, and corporate sustainability.
When he’s not in the classroom, Dr. Readey can be found tending to his organic veggie garden and bicycling around the foothills of Boulder, Colorado.
Current Campus Courses:
Current Online Courses Taught through Coursera:
The Sustainability Imperative (non-credit course)