EMEN 5500 - Lean and Agile Management
Instructor: Wendy Martin
Suggested prior knowledge: None
Prerequisites: None
Semester(s) Offered: See course list
Course Description
In today's business world, lean and agile concepts are essential for creating value for customers and improving processes. Lean and agile are two approaches to process improvement that have been gaining popularity in recent years. Both lean and agile aim to streamline processes and eliminate waste. However, lean is focused on efficiency and continuous improvement, while agile is focused on flexibility and responding quickly to change. In this course, you will learn how to use lean and agile tools to improve customer value, improve processes and reduce waste. By the end of the course, you will be able to apply lean and agile concepts to your own work environment to make it more efficient and responsive to change.
Skills and Knowledge Gained
- Hoshin Kanri
- Lean Management Systems
- Waste Identification
- 6S
- Lean Problem Solving
- Root Cause Analysis
- Process Mapping
- Visual Management
- Mistake Proofing
- Agile Methods.
Why should you take this course?
This course empowers participants with actionable lean and agile management strategies to enhance efficiency, adaptability, and value creation in any business process.
*Note: This page is periodically updated. For the most up-to-date course information for the current term, log into the Buff Portal or go to the Course Search (for those without campus login credentials).

Wendy Martin

30 years experience in applied statistics, performance improvement and problem solving.
Master Black Belt in Six Sigma.
Masters of Engineering in Engineering Management with emphasis in Applied Statistics, CU Boulder.
BS Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University.