EMEA 5222 Product Design for the Circular Economy
Specialization: Sustainable and Circular Product Development
Instructor: Michael Readey
Prior knowledge needed: No prior background knowledge or experience is required.
Course Description:
This first course in the Sustainable and Circular Product Development specialization provides the tools necessary to implementCircular Economy (CE) principles. Methodologies include Cradle-to-Cradle, Design for “R”, where R refers to Reuse, Repair,Remanufacturing, and Recycling. Organic materials enable the biological cycle as a component to CE. Products are often packaged,and a circular product needs to also have circular packaging. Finally, the course highlights ways designers can select the appropriate materials to achieve their circularity objectives.
What You'll Learn:
- Apply Cradle-to-Cradle and Design for “R” product design principles.
- Describe how organic (e.g., natural) materials enable CE through the biological cycle.
- Describe the concept of circular packaging, and how it is practiced.
- Apply materials selection tools to achieve circular product and packaging objectives.
Topics Outline:
- CE and the Butterfly Diagram
- Cradle to Cradle Design Principles
- Design for R: Reuse, Repair, Remanufacturing and Recycling
- The Regenerative Biological Cycle
- Circular Packaging Concepts
- Materials Selection and CE
View on Coursera in Spring 2025