Policies & Forms

This is a hub for important student information, policies, procedures and forms. 

Student Handbook

Use this handbook to help navigate policies and procedures for the School of Education students. It is our hope that in conjunction with this tool, you may lean on our advising team for guidance and support.

In this handbook you will find many helpful resources to guide you along the way, including academic policies and procedures for:

  • Advising
  • Good Standing, Probation, & Suspension
  • Grading & Credit Policies
  • Student Teaching Guidelines
  • Graduation Requirements
  • and more.

  School of Education Student Handbook 


Academic Forms

  • Petition Form
    To petition or appeal for exceptions to certain policies, e.g. add/drop after university deadlines, credit overload, student teaching exceptions, etc.
  • Independent Study Proposal 
    An independent study is a close collaboration between a student and a faculty member on a special project. To request an independent study course, coordinate with an education faculty member and then submit your proposal.
  • Incomplete Agreements
    An incomplete grade can be requested when conditions beyond one's control prevent one from completing the class requirements. If an instructor agrees to award an incomplete grade, the instructor sets the conditions and the timeframe for completing remaining coursework. Coordinate with your instructor and then use this form to submit the agreement. 

    If an incomplete-graded class is retaken within one year of the end of the term on the Boulder campus or through Boulder Continuing Education, the initial grade of I will not be removed from the transcript. Instead both class attempts will be displayed on the transcript. Please see Credits and Grading. If your most recent prior graded class is an incomplete, you are ineligible for grade replacement as the incomplete grade does not apply to completed hours nor the GPA.

Minor Declaration Forms