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Local Opportunities
Students in the University of Colorado's Museum and Field Studies Program have many options available to enrich the museum studies experience and prepare for a career as a museum professional. From getting involved in the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History's activities to professional development to volunteer opportunities at museums in the surrounding communities, there's something available for everyone to personally tailor their MFS experience.
University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Committees
The Museum has several standing committees, including Collections, Curriculum, and others. Many of these committees have first- and second-year graduate student representatives. Sitting on a committee can be a good way to learn more about how the museum works. Contact mfsinfo@colorado.edu for more information on Museum committees.
Students are also welcome to attend the biweekly Faculty/Staff/Student meeting.
Museum Club
The Museum Club is composed of MFS graduate students and interested graduate and undergraduate students from other departments. Museum Club members work on group projects that benefit the museum, as well as organizing activities that enrich the MFS student experience. For more information, visit the Museum Club website.
Professional Development
The University of Colorado at Boulder has one of the best programs for graduate teaching in the country, the Center for Teaching and Learning. Although designed for teaching assistants and graduate students pursuing a teaching career, the GTP offers a variety of professional development opportunities that can benefit any graduate student.
In addition to national organizations, there are two regional museum associations which offer professional development and networking opportunities:
Volunteer Opportunities
Some students volunteer in the University of Colorado Museum of Natural History in addition to coursework and graduate assistantships, typically as a docent (tour guide). Volunteering as a docent is a great way to gain experience working with the public. For more information, see Volunteer Opportunities.
Other University museums, galleries, and libraries may also have volunteer opportunities available.
- CU Art Museum
- Fiske Planetarium and Science Center
- CU Heritage Center
- Internships and Practica in the UCB Libraries
Many other volunteer opportunities are available at a variety of local museums, including:
- History Colorado
- Center for Colorado Women's History
- Denver Art Museum
- Children's Museum of Denver
- Denver Botanic Gardens
- Denver Museum of Nature & Science
- Denver Museum of Miniatures, Dolls and Toys
- Denver Zoo
Surrounding Area
- Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, Colorado Springs
- Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum, Colorado Springs
- Garden of the Gods Visitor & Nature Center, Colorado Springs
- Estes Park Museum, Estes Park
- Rocky Mountain National Park, Estes Park
- Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, Florissant
- Golden History Museum & Park, Golden
- Bradford Washburn American Mountaineering Museum, Golden
- Colorado Railroad Museum, Golden
- Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum, Golden
- WOW! Children's Museum, Lafayette
- Littleton Museum, Littleton
- Longmont Museum, Longmont
- Morrison Natural History Museum, Morrison
- Friends of Dinosaur Ridge, Morrison
- Butterfly Pavilion, Westminster
These museums are also possible places to complete the program's 150-hour internship requirement. Prior students have interned at several of these museums.