The GWC is a trusted resource for local and national media. The publications listed here include those that GWC staff, fellows and faculty board members have contributed to in terms of quotes, presentations and content.

[Chris Winter], Grace Kraemer, Judge Hears Arguments in Appeals Cases over Ford Amphitheater, Local Law Expert Breaks Down the Case, KKTV (Sept. 3, 2024).

[Mark Squillace], 83-Year-Old Colorado Fisherman is Back, Defiant, Seeking Arrest and Support in Fight for Freedom to Wade In, Denver Post (Sept. 2, 2024).

[Colorado Law], The 64 Most-Cited Law Faculty, TaxProf Blog (Aug .23, 2024)(Colorado Law #41)(Colorado's most-cited faculty: James Anaya, Kristen Carpenter, Deep Gulasekaram, Margot Kaminski, Sarah Krakoff, Helen Norton, Daria Roithmayr, Pierre Schlag, Scott Skinner-Thompson, & Harry Surden).

Mark Squillace has been named to the Fulbright Specialist Roster for 2024-2027.

[Mark Squillace], Hannah Schoenbaum & Matthew Brown, Utah Lawsuit Seeks State Control Over Vast Areas of Federal Land, AP News (Aug. 20, 2024)(republications include Wash. Post).

Sarah Matsumoto, Getches-Green Natural Resources, Energy, and Environmental Law Clinic Advocates to Protect Old Growth Clinics and Promote Transparency, Colorado Law (Aug. 15, 2024).

[Kristen Carpenter], American Indian Law Program Fellow Emiliano Salazar & 3L Hannah Adhers, Advocating for the Declaration and Indigenous Peoples'Traditional Knowledge at EMRIP, (Aug. 15, 2024).

[Jonathan Skinner-Thompson], Jordan Lassister, Native Self-Governance and Environmental Justice, Regulatory Review (Aug. 14, 2024).

Vivek Krishnamurthy & Sarah Matsumoto, Erin Calkins, Reflecting on Vivek and Sarah's First Year at CU Boulder Law Clinics, Colorado Law (Aug. 7, 2024). 

[Chris Winter], Erin X. Wong, The Sweeping Impact of the Supreme Court's Chevron Reversal, ASBMB Today (Aug. 3, 2024).

[Jonathan Skinner-Thompson & Doug Spencer], Elizabeth Hernandez, Professors at Colorado's Law Schools Rethink Curriculum Amid "Revolutionary" Supreme Court Decisions, Denver Post (July 19, 2024).

[Jonathan Skinner-Thompson], Rachael Krause, SCOTUS Decision to Overturn Chevron Deals Major Blow to Federal Regulations, Legal Expert Says, 9News (July 2, 2024).

Vanessa Racehorse, Tribal Health Self-Determination: The Role of Tribal Health Systems in Actualizing the Highest Attainable Standard of Health for American Indians and Alaska Natives (forthcoming Colum. H. R. L. Rev., available on SSRN), recently featured in Ezra Rosser, Improving Health Services for Tribal Communities, JOTWELL (July 1, 2024).

[Chris Winter, GWC], Erin X. Wong, Supreme Court Curtails Agencies' Ability to Enfore Regulations, High Country News (June 28, 2024).

Gregor MacGregor [Acequia Assistance Project], The Academy's Role at the Intersection of Environmental and Restorative Justice: Putting Law into Practice at the Acequia Assistance Project, 51 N. Ky. L. Rev. 125 (2024)(Westlaw login required).

Mark Squillace, A Bold Plan to Save the Colorado River (Boulder JCC, June 17, 2024) (talk with 80 attendees.)

[Getches-Wilkinson Center Conference], coverage includes Marianne Goodman, Colorado River Coalition Gains Funding to Purchase of 1 Million Acre-Feet of Shoshone Water Rights, Denver Gazette (June 14, 2024).

[Getches-Wilkinson Center Conference], Shannon Mullane, Colorado River Officials Come Together but Seem Far Apart, The Daily Sun Up Podcast (June 11, 2024).

[Getches-Wilkinson Center Conference], Alex Hager & Erin O'Toole, Some Key Colorado River Decision Makers Got Together in Boulder. There was Plenty of Disagreement, KUNC (June 11, 2024).

[Getches-Wilkinson Center Conference], Tony Davis, Negotiator: NIA Water Supply 'Is Gone', Arizona Daily Star (June 10, 2024)(Lexis login required).

[Getches-Wilkinson Center Conference], Shannon Mullane, "It's Not an Ideal World": States Talk Colorado River Future, Hang-ups in Neogotiations at CU Conference, Colorado Sun (June 7, 2024).

[Getches-Wilkinson Center Conference], Marianne Goodland, Biden Admin Invests $700M in Colorado River Basin, Colorado Politics (June 6, 2024).

S. James Anaya, Introduction to the Symposium on Rabiat Akande, "An Imperial History of Race-Religion in International Law," (with Adrien K. Wing), 1118 Am. J. Int'l L. Unbound 103 (2024); & The Significance of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 118 Am. J. Int'l L. Unbound 134 (2024).

Michael Pappas & Mark Nevitt, Climate Risk, Insurance Retreat, and State Response, (forthcoming, Georgia L. Rev.)

Mark Squillace, Michael Blumm, & Sandi Zellmer, Finally, the Bureau of Land Management Acknowledges its Conservation Mandate, Denver Post (May 13, 2024).

[Mark Squillace], Bobby Magill, Alaska Mine Road's Future Hinges on Obscure National Parks Law, Bloomberg Law (May 13, 2024).

[Mark Squillace], Ben Lefebvre, Oil Industry Penning Orders for Trump to Sign on Day One, Politico (May 8, 2024).

[Late Prof. Emeritus Charles Wilkinson], Devin Odell, The Boldt Decision and Where the Rule of Law Held, High Country News (May 1, 2024).

Mark Squillace, A Bold Plan for Saving the Colorado River, 30 Brown J. World Affairs 1 (2023).

[Frannie Monasterio & Andrew Teegarden; Acequia Assistance Project's Gregor MacGregor; Doug Kenney], Emily Battaglia, Earth Day 2024: Highlighting the GWC and Water Rights, Colorado Law (April 22, 2024).

[Chris Winter], Angus M. Thuermer Jr., BLM Conservation Rule Likely to Survive Challenges, Advocates Say, Wyofile (April 23, 2024).

[Chris Winter], Alice Fordham, Environmentalists Prepare to Defend New BLM Rule Against Legal Challenges, Source NM (April 23, 2024).

[James Anaya & Kristen Carpenter], Anna V. Smith, The U.S. Still Hasn't Embraced The Rights of Indigenous Peoples, High Country News (April 18, 2024)(article also mentions the Impelmentation Project, a joint project between NARF & Colorado Law).

Nadav Orian Peer, Corporate Climate Targets: Between Science and Climate Washing, SSRN (April 8, 2024). U of Colorado Law Legal Studies Research Paper Forthcoming, NYU Environmental Law Journal, Forthcoming.

[Mark Squillace], Clara Migoya, Proposal Would Punish People for Groundwater Lawsuits, Weaken Attorney General's Power, Arizona Republic (April 4, 2024).

[Chris Winter], Bobby Magill, Navajo Uranium Mines' Unknown Cancer Link Risks Slowing Cleanup, Bloomberg Law Environment & Energy (April 1, 2024).

[Mark Squillace], Matthew Rozsa, Before Reaching the Ocean, the Colorado River Becomes a Trickle. New Research Reveals Where it Goes, Salon (March 31, 2024).

[Mark Squillace], Jennifer Yachnin, Supreme Court Refuses Timber Industry Antiquities Act Fight, E&E News (March 25, 2024).

[Getches-Wilkinson Center], Tony Davis, Tribes to feds: Don't take Colorado River Water, The Arizona Daily Star (March 24, 2024)(Lexis login required).

Nadav Orian Peer, Corporate Climate Targets: Between Science and Climate Washing (forthcoming, 33 N.Y.U. Env't L. J.)

Kristen Carpenter, Foreword, in Gregory Bigler, Rabbit Decolonizes the Forest: Stories from the Euchee Reservation (2024).

[Mark Squillace], Alexander C. Kaufman & Chris D'Angelo, The U.S. May Have Just Scored A Win Against China in the Battle Over a Key Mineral, HuffPost (March 21, 2024).

[Gregor MacGregor, Acequia Assistance Project, Colorado Law 3L Mary Slosson, Sarah Krakoff, & Colorado Law alum Peter Nichols], Sarah Kuta, How Law Students Are Keeping a Historic Water Distribution Tradition Alive in Southern Colorado, The Coloradan (March 4, 2024).

Doug Kenney, presented:  Colorado River 101: Modern decision-making in the basin as part of Navigating the Rapids:  Colorado River Governance in the 21st Century.  University of Arizona, Tucson.  February 15, 2024.

Michael Pappas, The Structure of U.S. Climate Policy, 83 Maryland L. Rev. 347 (2024).

[Late Prof. Emeritus Charles Wilkinson], How an 1872 Law is Being Exploited to Mine Uranium Near the Grand Canyon, Fast Company (Feb. 20, 2024).

[Late Prof. Emeritus Charles Wilkinson], Matthew L.M. Fletcher, Charles Wilkinson on the History of the Boldt Decision, Turtle Talk Blog (Feb. 7, 2024).

[Chris Winter], Collin Leonard, 29 law professors weigh in on Utah's lawsuit to shrink 2 national monuments, KSL (Feb. 1, 2024).

[Kristen Carpenter], Paolo Zialcita, United Nations experts gather at CU Boulder to Discuss Indigenous Communities and their Role in Greening Economy, CPR (Jan. 23, 2024).

[Chris Winter], Juan-Carlos Rodriguez, States Fear for Rights as Feds Press High Court Water War, Law360 (Jan. 23, 2024).

[Late Prof. Emeritus Charles Wilkinson]. Wyatt Myskow, Aridity Could Dry Up Southwestern Mine Proposals, Inside Climate (Jan. 21, 2024).

[Andrew Teegarden], Heather Sackett, Company with Oil and Gas Interests Seeking to Keep Rights Alive for Reservoir on Thompson Creek, Aspen Journalism (Jan. 19, 2024).

James Anaya, Kristen Carpenter, & Jennifer Weddle [Colorado Law adjunct], Indigenous Peoples in a Greening Economy (UN's Indigenous Peoples and Development Branch Expert Group Meeting, upcoming, Jan. 23-24, 2024).

Charles Wilkinson [late Colorado Law Professor Emeritus], Treaty Justice: The Northwest Tribes, the Boldt Decision, and the Recognition of Fishing Rights (U. Wash. 2024).

Nadav Orian Peer (speaker), New Voices in the Legal History of Capitalism, AALS Annual Meeting (Jan. 6, 2024).

[Chris Winter], Natalia Mesa, Climate litigation to watch in 2024, High Country News (Jan. 2, 2024).

[Mark Squillace], Jake Bolster, The Quest to Make Big Oil Pay for Climate Change, News Lines (Jan. 1, 2024).

Mark Squillace, The Minerals Challenge for Renewable Energy, 54 Env't. L. Rep. 10058 (2024).

Mark Squillace, Accounting for Climate Impacts in Decisionmaking, 53 Env't. L. 649 (2023)(Lexis login required).

Gregor MacGregor [Acequia Assistance Project], Boulder County v. Crestone Peak: The Colorado Supreme Court Dives into Oil & Gas Law (speaker, The Foundation for Natural Resources and Energy Law) (Dec. 19, 2023). 

[Mark Squillace], Elise Schmelzer,Colorado River Drought Task Force Achieves Consensus-- But Some Water Experts Say Recommendations "Fell Short", Denver Post (Dec. 17, 2023). 

[James Anaya], Jackie Sedley, CU Professor Speaks on Human Rights at Dubai's COP 28 Climate Conference, KGNU Radio (Dec. 11, 2023)(story begins around 13:57).

Gregor MacGregor [Acequia Assistance Project], What the "Right to Farm" Means in 2023: Contextualizing the Right to Farm with Indigenous Food Sovereignty (speaker, Colorado State Food Summit) (Dec. 8, 2023).

[James Anaya], Yvaine Ye & Julie Poppen, Human Rights climate commitments released in Dubai, CU Boulder Today (Dec. 8, 2023).

[Andrew Teegarden], Heather Sackett, Colorado lawmakers expected to consider state permit program protecting wetlands, Aspen Journalism (Dec. 1, 2023).

[GWC annual conference], Mark Olalde & Janet Wilson, The Future of the Colorado River Hinges on One Young NegotiatorProPublica (Nov. 20, 2023).

[Anne Castle, GWC], Jerd Smith, Colorado River crisis: How did the nation’s two largest reservoirs nearly go dry?, The Colorado Sun (Nov. 19, 2023).

[Anne Castle, GWC], Allen Best, Waltons commit $1.4 million to new Tribal Water Institute, Big Pivots (Nov. 15, 2023).

[Anne Castle, GWC], Nick Cahill, Tribes Gain Clout as Colorado River Shrinks, Western Water (Nov. 16, 2023).

[Mark Squillace], Bobby Magill, Louisiana Demands Oil Trial Remain in Storm-Ravaged Parish, Bloomberg Law (Nov. 2, 2023).

[Amy Bauer, Mark Squillace], Emily Battaglia, Student Org Spotlight: Animal Legal Defense Fund, Colorado Law (Nov. 1, 2023). 

[Gregor MacGregor, Acequia Assistance Project, GWC], Marianne Goodland, A 1,200-year-old water concept flows through Colorado’s Costilla County, Denver Gazette (Oct. 30, 2023).

Andrew Teegarden [GWC], Will Colorado Fill the Gaps in the post-Sackett World?, GWC (Oct. 26, 2023).

[Mark Squillace], Lisa Friedman, For Many in Wyoming, a Biden Plan to Protect Land is Beyond UnpopularNew York Times (Oct. 26, 2023).

[Mark Squillace], Lisa Friedman, For Many in Wyoming, a Biden Plan to Protect Land is Beyond UnpopularSeattle Times (Oct. 26, 2023).

S. James Anaya, Indigenous Peoples in the United States: Justice Still Needed, in Human Flourishing: The End of Law (W. Michael Reisman & Roza Pati, eds., Brill, 2023). 

Deborah Cantrell [presenter], “Ethics for NOLEA Members,” National Organization of Lawyers for Education Associations (NOLEA) Annual Conference (Oct. 7, 2023)(see attached PDF). 

Kristen Carpenter & Daniel Cordalis, [Charles Wilkinson], Remembering Charles Wilkinson: A true friend to Indian country, HighCountry News (Sept. 21, 2023).

[Anne Castle, GWC], Bennet, Padilla, Schatz, Wyden, Hickenlooper Lead Colleagues in Introducing Resolution Reaffirming Importance of Access to Clean Water for Tribal Communities,  Office of Senator Bennet (Sept. 21, 2023).

[Kristen Carpenter], Sophia Osborn, Constitution Day focuses on prioritization of schools and racial demographics, Golden Gate Express, Sept. 25, 2023 (highlighting Carpenter’s presentation “Indigenous Lands and Human Rights in the United States” from San Francisco State University’s Rights and Wrongs: A Constitution and Citizenship Day Conference (Sept. 19, 2023).

[Mark Squillace], Niina H. Farah, Legal assault awaits Biden’s Alaska lease cancellation, E&E News (Sept. 11, 2023).  

[Mark Squillace], Wyatt Myskow, As the Colorado River Declines, Some Upstream Look to Use it Before They Lose it, Inside Climate news (Sept. 10, 2023).   

[Mark Squillace], Nicole Wells, Biden ANSR Lease Cancellation Clashes with Trump Tax Law, Newsmax (Sept. 9, 2023). 

[Mark Squillace], Rachel Franzin, Why Trump’s tax law could limit Biden’s efforts to protect Artic wildlife from drilling, The Hill (Sept. 9, 2023).   

[Deborah Cantrell], Amber Carlson, A long time coming: Boulder reacts to new occupancy ordinance with relief, anger, Boulder Daily Camera (Aug. 26, 2023). 

[Getches-Wilkinson Center], Marianne Goodland, Q&A with Lauren Ris: Colorado water veteran set to lead state conservation board, Colorado Politics (Aug. 24, 2023). 

[Nadav Orian Peer], Daniela Gabor, Shadow money without a central bank, Financial Times (Aug. 18, 2023).

Charles Wilkinson, Naoiki Nitta, A Fight for Salmon Fishing Rights Connects Indigenous Peoples Across the Pacific Ocean, Civil Eats (July 26, 2023). 

S. James Anaya (speaker) & Kristen Carpenter (moderator), Sacred Sites and Human Rights: Implementing the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples’ Articles on Religious Freedom, Free Prior and Informed Consent, and Rights to Land & Water, United Nations 16th session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Side Event (July 19, 2023). 

Gregor MacGregor, Acequia Assistance Project, Shannon Mullane, What can Coloradans do to save water at home? Experts share tips, insight into water-saving strategies, Colorado Sun, (July 18, 2023). 

Kristen A. Carpenter, "Aspirations": The United States and Indigenous Peoples' Human Rights, 36 Harv. Hum. Rts. J. 41 (2023).   

Mark Squillace, Meghan Lopez, Arapahoe County considers plan to require developers to provide 300 years worth of water to build, Denver 7 (July 7, 2023). 

Mark SquillaceThe Colorado River flooded the Chemehuevi’s land. Decades later, the tribe still struggles to get its share of the river, High Country News (July 5, 2023).

Getches-Wilkinson Center, Sharon Udasin, Tribal nations push for seats at the table in Colorado River negotiations, The Hill (July 3, 2023).

Charles Wilkinson, JoVonne Wagner, American Indian policy innovator passes away at 81, ICT News (July 2, 2023).

[Mark Squillace], Bruce Finley, 81-year-old angling ace angered by Colorado Supreme Court ruling vows new fight for freedom to wade, Denver Post (June 23, 2023).

[GWC Annual Conference], Pamela King, Supreme Court water ruling deals blow to Navajo Nation, E&E News (June 22, 2023).

[Anne Castle], Juan Carlos Rodriguez, Rocky Mountain Water Woes: Colorado’s Uncertain Future, Law360 (June 21, 2023).

[Jonathan Skinner-Thompson], Claire Hill, Improving Community Involvement in Air Pollution Permitting, The Regulatory Review (June 21, 2023).

[GWC Annual Conference] Allen Best, Tribal voices now being heard at the Colorado River table, Vail Daily (June 15, 2023).

[Mark Squillace], Will Matuska, Flow state, Boulder Weekly (June 15, 2023).

[Charles Wilkinson], Shannon Mullane, Charles Wilkinson, CU professor who advocated for key land and water rights for Native American tribes, has died, Colorado Sun (June 13, 2023).

[Douglas Kenney], Robyn White, The U.S. Rivers in Dangerous Decline, Newsweek (June 13, 2023).

[Anne Castle, GWC], Jennifer Yachnin, Could Mother Nature cut off California’s water guarantee?; E&E News (June 12, 2023).

[Charles Wilkinson], In Memoriam: Charles Wilkinson- A Trailblazer for Justice, the Earth, and American Indian Law, Colorado Law (June 12, 2023).

[GWC Annual Conference], Marianne Goodland, What Colorado River basin states want—in their own words, Colorado Politics (June 12, 2023).

[GWC Annual Conference], Marianne Goodland, Expert calls for Lower Basin states to adopt percentage-based allocation, Colorado Springs Gazette (June 12, 2023).

[Mark Squillace], Jennifer Solis, NV mines test boundaries of 150-year-old mining law, Nevada Current (June 12, 2023).

[Mark Squillace], Emma VandenEinde, Colorado Supreme Court upholds narrow stream access laws- a ‘total outlier’ in the Mountain West, KUNC (June 11, 2023).

[GWC Annual Conference], Marianne Goodland, Federal Reclamation Commissioner Camille Touton Reflects on Colorado River Progress, Difficult Conversations Ahead, Denver Gazette (June 8, 2023).

[Jonathan Skinner-Thompson], Ella Nilsen, Wildfires—and their toxic smoke—are affecting us more often. What can we do about it?, CNN (June 8, 2023).

[Mark Squillace], Shanna Lewis, Colorado Supreme Court tells local fisherman he doesn’t have the right to claim public access to Arkansas River where it flows through private property, CPR (June 8, 2023).

[Mark Squillace], Alex Hargrave, Who owns the fishing hole? Private property advocates reel in big court win, E&E News (June 6, 2023).

Jonathan Skinner-Thompson, Tribal Air, (June 5, 2023) (forthcoming Arizona State L. J.)

[Mark Squillace], Roger Hill, Colorado Supreme Court ends long river access dispute by ruling fisherman has no standing in right-to-wade argument, Colorado Sun (June 5, 2023).

[Mark Squillace], Thy Vo, Colo. Justices Say Fisherman Can’t Bring River Access Suit, Law360 (June 5, 2023).

[Mark Squillace], John McCracken, What the Supreme Court’s ruling means for the future of U.S. Wetlands, FERN (June 4, 2023).

[Mark Squillace], Chris D’Angelo, ‘A Cry for Help’: Federal Agency Eyes A New Kind of Leasing to Safeguard Public Lands, HuffPost (May 2, 2023).

[Mark Squillace], Thy Vo, Colo. Justices Debate ‘Puzzling’ River Access Ruling, Law360 (May 2, 2023).

[Mark Squillace], Conrad Swanson & Nick Coltrain, “Belly flop”: After promise to wade into water crisis, Colorado lawmakers propose further study, Denver Post (May 1, 2023).

Mark SquillaceHouse Natural Resources Committee, Energy and Mineral Resources Subcommittee Hearing on the Transparency and Production of American Energy Act of 2023 and the Permitting for Mining Needs Act of 2023 (witness, Feb. 28, 2023)(transcript available here, video available here).