Complex/Dynamical Systems Seminar - Juniper Lovato

April 22, 2021

Juniper Lovato, Director of Outreach for Complex Systems, University of Vermont Limits of individual consent and models of distributed consent in online social networks Personal data is not discrete in socially-networked digital environments. A user who consents to allow access to their profile can expose the personal data of their...

Complex/Dynamical Systems Seminar - Elizabeth Cherry

April 15, 2021

Complex/Dynamical Systems Seminar - Elizabeth Cherry Elizabeth Cherry, School of Computational Science and Engineering, Georgia Tech

Complex/Dynamical Systems Seminar - Christopher Kulp

April 1, 2021

Christopher Kulp, Departments of Physics and Astronomy, Lycoming College Taxation, Redistribution, and Wealth in Simple Economic Models The distribution of wealth has been a topic of much interest over the last several years. In this presentation, I will discuss the effects of various tax and redistribution strategies on the distribution...

Complex/Dynamical Systems Seminar - Edgar Knobloch

March 25, 2021

Edgar Knobloch; Department of Physics; University of California, Berkeley Buckling, wrinkling and folding Buckling, wrinkling and folding of elastic structures will be discussed and illustrated. Two cases will be examined in detail: the case of a floating elastic sheet subjected to horizontal compression, and the case of a laterally compressed...

Complex/Dynamical Systems Seminar - Laurent Hebert-Dufresne

March 18, 2021

Laurent Hebert-Dufresne, Department of Computer Science, University of Vermont Approximate master equations for contagions on higher-order networks Simple models of contagions tend to assume random mixing of elements (e.g. people), but real interactions are not random pairwise encounters: they occur within clearly defined higher-order structures (e.g. communities) which can be...

Complex/Dynamical Systems Seminar - Javier Buldu

March 4, 2021

Javier Buldu; Applied Mathematics, Materials Science and Engineering and Electronic Technology; University of King Juan Carlos; Madrid, Spain How to use Network Science to unveil football's complexity The recent ability to record, tag, and evaluate the outcome of all events occurring during a football match, including the Euclidean position of...

Complex/Dynamical Systems Seminar - Dan Larremore

Jan. 28, 2021

Dan Larremore, Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado Boulder Model-informed COVID-19 vaccine prioritization strategies by age and serostatus Limited initial supply of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine raises the question of how to prioritize available doses. One might reason, intuitively, that doses should be prioritized to directly protect those who are most...

Complex/Dynamical Systems Seminar - Heather Zinn Brooks

Dec. 3, 2020

Heather Zinn Brooks, Department of Mathematics, Harvey Mudd College Bounded-confidence models for media impact on online social networks Online social media networks have become extremely influential sources of news and information. Given the large audience and the ease of sharing content online, the content that spreads on online social networks...

Complex/Dynamical Systems Seminar - John Parker

Nov. 19, 2020

John Parker, Integrated Applied Mathematics, University of New Hampshire Chaotic Stabilization in Neural Systems Recent work in dynamical systems theory has shown how chaotic systems are able to be controlled. One control scheme, adapted from Hayes, Grebogi, and Ott, was applied to a chaotic double scroll oscillator and produced stabilized...

Complex/Dynamical Systems Seminar - jimi adams

Nov. 5, 2020

jimi adams, Health and Behavioral Sciences, University of Colorado Denver Peer Network Processes in Adolescents' Health Lifestyles Combining theories of health lifestyles—interrelated health behaviors arising from group-based identities—with network and behavior change, we examined influence and selection processes between friendship networks and health lifestyles. We propose that friendship networks shape...
