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Spring 2019 Graduate Awards

On March 15th, the Outstanding Graduate award winners for the College of Engineering were announced. The Spring 2019 Graduate Award winners will be announced April 26, at the DEAA Banquet. The represented departments and programs have also been encouraged to recognize the award winners and nominees at their individual spring graduation ceremonies.  

Congratuations to our Outstanding Graduate Award winners!

Outstanding Graduate of the College (overall strength in academics, research, and service or international engagement)
Marc Thomson, AMEN BS/MS + CHEN BS 

Outstanding Graduate for International Engagement: 
Michael Anthony, AREN BS 

Outstanding Graduate for Service: 
Elvin Viloria, AREN BS/MS 

Outstanding Graduate for Research: 
Simon Hafner, MCEN BS/MS 

Outstanding Graduates for Academic Achievement (highest undergraduate career GPA): 
William Barham, AMEN BS/MS 
Jacob Crawford, CSEN BS 
Brent Frieden, MCEN BS 
Catherine Witt, EEEN BS 
Mingxuan Zhang, AMEN BS