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Probably Novel Podcast is Back


Probably Novel Podcast Crew

Probably Novel Logo
APPM student hosted podcast, Probably Novel, will be back on air this weekend, Sunday September 30th, from 7:00-8:00pm on CU Radio 1190. This semester Grant Baker, Matthew Maierhofer, and Joe Castagneri (pictured in this order above) will host the show. Next semester Josh Jacobson will substitute for Joe, who is graduating this semester.

Probably Novel keeps things interesting by interviewing guests from a variety of STEM fields and exploring the STEM topic at hand with out-of-the-box perspectives. If you have any questions about the podcast or would like to be interviewed on the show about your exciting (graduate or undergraduate) STEM research, you can email them here:

If you would like to stay up-to-date with the crew, upcoming airings, and future guests, then Probably Novel invites you to like and follow their Facebook page!