Published: Feb. 28, 2019

The E3M journey takes us from scattered to cyclical

In a partnership between Strategic Relations and Communications, the Program in Exploratory Studies (PES), Enrollment Management, OIT, ODA, Student Affairs and others, our Strategic Messaging Alliance retention/engagement team is launching a pilot end-to-end engagement management (E3M) communications project as part of the Financial Futures strategic initiative.

Designed to examine the question, “What would a constituent-centered, comprehensive and collaborative communications journey look like at CU Boulder?” the pilot will focus on building a communications model for new PES students that could, if successful, be scaled with other campus groups after the test period.

“As communicators and technologists, we are all trying to accomplish important goals, but we aren’t adding up to an experience that makes sense,” said Jon Leslie, associate vice chancellor for marketing and content strategy. “In order to better engage our constituents in their relationships with the university, we are exploring new ways to place our audiences’ needs first.”

The E3M project team is focused on piloting an end-to-end engagement model via web, social media, email and other digital communications and technology channels, with a focus on putting students at the center of their own information journey at CU Boulder.

Through the project, the team will collaboratively plan, create and act on all communications with the cohort to provide them with necessary and meaningful (to them) communications that are relevant and timely, to affect better student engagement and retention. The team is planning to test this group's communications model against a control group and track results over the course of the academic year.

Campus communicators may hear from members of the project team as mapping of academic, transactional and community experience content proceeds over the coming weeks. For questions about the project, please contact