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Grace Period for Spring 2020 Pass/Fail Requests

Related Announcements
Email to instructors: "Extended Grace Period for Spring 2020 Pass/Fail," 5/5/2020

CU Boulder is providing a grace period for Spring 2020 classes with a pass/fail deadline of April 30 or May 1. Undergraduate and graduate students now have until 11:59 p.m. on Monday, May 11, to submit a pass/fail request form to change their grade mode from letter grade to pass/fail or vice versa.

Previously extended late drop and grade replacement request deadlines remain unaffected. On May 12, we'll notify students who changed their grade replacement class to pass/fail that they're no longer eligible for grade replacement.

We're asking instructors for their assistance by taking the following actions:

  • To limit confusion for students, if you have not already posted your grade rosters, please approve and save them by the grading deadline, but do not post them. (Posting grade rosters before the extended grace period pass/fail requests have been processed by the Office of the Registrar may lead to confusion and or additional inquiries from students regarding the status of their request.) On May 12 we will automatically post all completed grade rosters with a saved status of "Approved." After posting rosters, we will also convert passing grades for students who selected pass/fail to a P+ or P grade

Clarification: If you have already posted your grades, you don't need to take any action. Your students can still request pass/fail, and your posted grades will automatically convert to the student's selected grade mode starting May 12.

  • Remind your students that final grades won't post in Buff Portal until May 12, and may temporarily post under the old grading basis before the conversion is processed. Transcripts with final grades will be available May 14. 
  • Help your students make an informed decision by securely sharing how they are doing in your class so far (i.e., ensure your in-progress grades in Canvas are up to date).

We appreciate your patience and flexibility as we make these process adjustments in support of student success during these uncertain times.