Resources for Boulder Campus Property Managers
Description: The new Property Q&A session, coordinated by OCG Property Officer, Penny Mathews, is a collaboration between OCG, the Campus Controllers Office, Property Accounting Office and campus partners. Property Q&A sessions will be hosted by a panel of Sponsored Project Specialists, Department Research Administrators and Department Financial Staff who are available to discuss property with anyone on campus who purchases, manages and/or tracks property.
No property knowledge is needed to join! Anyone interested in learning about property and networking with others on campus are welcome. The panel is available to provide guidance and answer questions around a variety of topics, including best practices, management of property and equipment purchased with University funds, tracking and tagging, inventory, closeout, disposal process, terms and conditions of sponsor titled and conditionally titled equipment, purchasing in marketplace, fabrications, use of Petty Cash and Gift Cards, campus policies and accounting functions, sponsor obligations related to award property clauses, and financial processes.
Property Q&A will meet quarterly.
Visit the BUFF SURPLUS site to:
- List the items that your department no longer needs
- Look for items your department could use
- Email buffsurplus@colorado.edu with any questions
Tips for Departments
- Having trouble keeping track of which room your equipment has been moved to - see the Best Practices tab for a helpful poster.
Please remember, a department:
- Cannot give/sell the item to faculty/staff. CU holds auctions to provide equal opportunity to purchase an item.
- Cannot give/sell directly to a company/person/charity.
- Cannot allow a transferring PI to take an item without permission from CU and acceptance of the item from the receiving institution. Legally, CU transfers the item to the receiving institution, not the PI.
Purchasing/Receiving Capital Equipment
- Fund 30 Sponsor Funded Purchases
- Please use 810100 when purchasing assets >= $5,000. Contact melissa.keller@colorado.edu if you have any questions. ext 2-8030
- CU Boulder and Fed Fabrication Tag Request Form
- Transfer Tagged asset between departments on campus.
- Transfers from a for-profit entity, treat as a Gift In Kind (GIK) see next item.
- For all GIKs, please start the process by emailing: giftsinkind@cu.edu
Tracking/Maintenance of Tagged Equipment
- Change of Location? Send email with tag number and new location to property@colorado.edu.
- Change of Status?
- Off-Campus Equipment Agreement Form: For tagged assets that are leaving campus.
- Off-Campus Equipment Re-Certification Form: For tagged assets that are currently off campus (or have been returned to campus). Required during the biannual departmental property inventory.
- Lost Equipment Form: Tagged item was not found during inventory but is believed to be in CU-Boulder's possession.
- Fed Titled to CU titled: Send an email to ocgproperty@colorado.edu.
- Cannibalization is when a dept disassembles a tag and uses the pieces for other uses.
- Impaired: Equipment no longer used for intended purpose due to reduced functionality.
Office of Contracts & Grants
- Forms Link takes you to OCG's webpage for property.
Property Disposal/Transfers/Donations off campus
- To Dispose, Transfer/Donate or Sell outside of the university, complete the property disposal form.
Would you like 'read-only' access to PeopleSoft Asset Management?
PSAM allows you to query your departmental assets to review their tag#, location, funding source, responsible person, etc. It's a great way to manage your assets and reduce your biennial inventory headaches. Contact Melissa Keller at 303-492-8030 to get started.
- Email questions to: property@colorado.edu
- FAQ (under construction)
Links to Resources
- OCG Property Compliance
- Property Services
- CCO Website
- CCO Property Guidelines
- Property Statistics Poster
- Moving Flyer To Post In Labs
- Fabrications Training Powerpoint
- Fabrications Training Zoom Recording
- HCM Non-capital equipment tracking tool step by step guide to add and track assets
- HCM Non-capital equipment tracking tool presentation Powerpoint
- HCM Non-capital equipment tracking tool presentation Zoom Recording
- DPM Session I Training Powerpoint
- DPM Session I Training Zoom Recording
Contact List
Carolyn Ivey
Debt & Asset Manager
Enrique Lujan
Property Accountant and Inventory Specialist
Contact me with questions about activity after purchase and tagging.
Melissa Keller
New Acquisition Accountant and Property Accounting Supervisor
Contact me with questions about the purchase and tagging of new equipment or fabrications.
Penny Mathews
Compliance Manager
Contact me with your sponsor-funded compliance questions.