Think broadly about the impact of environmental policy challenges.

Integrate knowledge of the three major forces that drive public policy:

  • economics
  • values and beliefs 
  • politics


Required Courses

Course Names

Course Code



Principles of Microeconomics

ECON 2010

 4 credits

ECON 2010 is approved for H&SS credit but cannot be double  counted for H&SS credit and concentration credit.

Environmental Ethics

ENVS 3140

 3 credits

ENVS 3140 is approved for H&SS credit but cannot be double  counted for H&SS credit and concentration credit.

The Environment and Public Policy

PSCI 3206

 3 credits


Elective Courses (choose one)

Course Names

Course Code



Principles of Macroeconomics

ECON 2020

 4 credits

ECON 2020 is approved for H&SS credit but cannot be double  counted for H&SS credit and concentration credit.

Climate Politics & Policy 

ENVS 3022

 3 credits


Energy Policy & Society

ENVS 3621

 3 credits

ENVS 3621 is approved for H&SS credit but cannot be double counted for H&SS credit and concentration credit.