Economics Concentration (13 credits)

Gain a quantitative, policy-oriented social science perspective on economics based on theory and real-world applications.

Combined, the foundational coursework all IDE students take and an Economics Concentration can support pursuit of an Economics Minor through the Department of Economics.

Economics Minor Courses
Course NameCourse CodesCreditsNotes
Principles of Microeconomics ECON 2010 4 credits

ECON 2010 can be counted as an H&SS Course. 

If transferred coursework includes replacements for ECON 2010 or ECON 2020 that are fewer than a combined 7 credit hours for both courses, an additional upper-division elective will be required.

Principles of MacroeconomicsECON 20204 credits

ECON 2020 can be counted as an H&SS Course

If transferred coursework includes replacements for ECON 2010 or ECON 2020 that are fewer than a combined 7 credit hours for both courses, an additional upper-division elective will be required.

Intermediate Microeconomic TheoryECON 30704 credits 
Intermediate Macroeconomic TheoryECON 30803 credits 
One 3000 or 4000 level ECON course 3 creditsECON 3818 and equivalent substitutes are not allowed to count as an upper-division elective. 
One 4000-level ECON course 3 credits 

ECON 3818: Introduction to Statistics with Computer Application

  • ECON 3818 is a prerequisite for many 3000 and 4000 ECON courses.
  • ECON 3818 and equivalent substitutes are not allowed to count as an upper-division elective for the ECON minor.
  • ECON 3818 does not count towards H&SS credit in the College of Engineering & Applied Science.
  • To enroll in an ECON course that has an ECON 3818 prerequisite if you have not yet completed the prerequisite, you may consult directly with the ECON professor to try to secure permission to enroll.
ECON 3818
Course nameCourse codeCreditsPrerequisitesApproved substitution courses: 
Introduction to Statistics with Computer ApplicationECON 38184 creditsECON 2010, ECON 2020, APPM 1350APPM 4520, APPM 4570, CHEN 3010, CVEN 3227, MATH 4520, SOCY 4061 

Economics Concentration Curriculum

Choose two courses from one focus area (6 credits).

Due to overlap of content with engineering courses, not all economics courses available to Economics Minor students (especially within the Qualitative Economics focus area) are choices available within the IDE Economics Concentration.

Prerequisites: The Economics Concentration requires students to complete two foundational economics courses (8 credits) before starting on the economics concentration courses. Both of these courses can count towards the 18-credits of H&SS courses required by the College of Engineering & Applied Science. 

Prerequisite Courses
Course NamesCourse CodeCreditsNotes
Principles of Microeconomics ECON 2010 4 creditsECON 2010 can be counted as an H&SS Course
Principles of MacroeconomicsECON 20204 creditsECON 2020 can be counted as an H&SS Course
Required Courses
Course namesCourse CodeCredits
Intermediate Microeconomics TheoryECON 3070 4 credits
Intermediate Macroeconomics TheoryECON 30803 credits
Money, Banking & Public Finance Focus Area Courses (choose two)
Course NamesCourse CodesCredits
Money & Banking Systems ECON 41113 credits
Economics of the Public SectorECON 42113 credits
Political & Public Choice EconomicsECON 42213 credits
Urban & Regional Economics Focus Area
Course NamesCourse CodesCredits
Urban Economics: The Economics of CitiesECON 4242 3 credits
Migration, Immigrant Adaptation & DevelopmentECON 4292 3 credits
International Trade & Finance Focus Area (choose two)
Course NamesCourse CodesCredits
International Economics & Policy ECON 34033 credits
International Trade ECON 44133 credits
International Finance ECON 44233 credits
Economic History Focus Courses (choose two)
Course NamesCourse CodesCredits
New Institutional EconomicsECON 45043 credits
Economic History of Europe ECON 45143 credits
Economic History of the United States ECON 45243 credits
Economic Development Focus (choose two)
Course NamesCourse CodesCredits
Economic Development & Policy ECON 37843 credits
Economic Reform in Developing Countries ECON 47743 credits
Economic Development ECON 47843 credits 
Economic Growth ECON 47943 credits 
Natural Resources & Environmental Economics Focus (choose two)
Course NamesCourse CodesCredits
Natural Resource Economics ECON 35353 credits
Environmental Economics ECON 35453 credits
Natural Resource Economics ECON 45353 credits 
Environmental Economics ECON 45453 credits 
Transportation Economics & Policy ECON 45553 credits 
Labor & Human Resources Focus (choose two)
Course NamesCourse CodesCredits
Labor EconomicsECON 46163 credits
The Economics of Inequality & DiscriminationECON 46263 credits
Topics in Health EconomicsECON 46463 credits 
Industrial Organization Focus (choose two)
Course NamesCourse CodesCredits
Industrial Organization & Regulation ECON 46973 credits
Topics in Industrial Organization: Antitrust & Regulation ECON 47973 credits
Economics of Organizations ECON 48973 credits 
Quantitative Economics Focus (choose two)
Course NamesCourse CodesCredits
Topics in MicroeconomicsECON 40703 credits
Introduction to Econometrics ECON 48183 credits
Financial Econometrics ECON 48583 credits