IDE faculty contributed to national efforts to improve engineering education at the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) annual conference in June 26-29, 2022.
Mindy Zarske presented 'Female student attitudes towards engineering: Are they influenced by the roles the take on project teams?' and 'WIP: ASEE Year of Impact on Racial Equity: P-12 Parents and Guardians Engagement'
Joan Tisdale presented 'Range of Practices of Sustainability Incorporation into First-Year General Engineering Design Course' (co-authored by Katherine Ramos and Angela Bielefeldt) and 'Sustainability Inclusion Efforts in Three Unique First-Year Engineering Courses' (co-authored by Bielefeldt).
Bielefeldt authored 10 papers presented in the Civil Engineering, Engineering Ethics, Military and Veterans, Technological and Engineering Literacy / Philosophy of Engineering, and the Educational Research and Methods divisions. A paper she co-authored with her former doctoral student Dr. Rebecca Komarek was selected as the Best Paper from the Engineering Leadership Development Division.