AGeS-DiG (Diversity in Geochronology)

2022 AGeS DiG students participating in AUGR (Authentic Undergraduate Geology Research) project at the Purdue University PRIME lab where their Be-10 samples were measured. Back row (left to right): Iliomar Rodriguez-Ramos, Bella Bennett (AUGR creator) Breanna Taylor, Mouhamadou Kane. Front row: Janae Goodwin, Alondra Mercado Mercado. DiG project lead by PhD student Bella Bennett (University of Vermont).

2022 AGeS-DiG undergraduate cohort preparing samples for U-Pb dating in the geochronology lab at the University of Texas at Austin. DiG project lead by Dr. Chuck Bailey (College of William & Mary).

2022 AGeS-DiG students Breanna Taylor (left) and Janae Goodwin (right) participating in the AUGR (Authentic Undergraduate Geology Research) project and inputting data in the University of Vermont/NSF Community Cosmogenic Facility. DiG project lead by PhD student Bella Bennett (University of Vermont).

2022 AGeS-DiG undergraduate cohort in the field for sample collection. DiG project lead by Dr. Chuck Bailey (College of William & Mary).