Group Application Guide
The Professional and Academic Conference Endowment (PACE) welcomes applications for "Group PACE Grants" to support groups (of three or more) CU Boulder undergraduates planning to participate in academic conferences, competitions and creative exhibitions. Students must be presenting or showcasing their work at the event, but groups are not required to share the same project.
Maximum Award: $5,000 per group
Eligibility: Tenured/tenure-track research and teaching faculty, professional researchers and practitioners, and postdoctoral scholars at CU Boulder are eligible to apply for Group PACE Grants.
Timeline: Group PACE Applications are reviewed and awarded on a rolling basis, and our team is always happy to chat ahead of submission to clarify any questions.
Award Information: We issue awarded funding by transferring the full amount to the speedtype you identified in the application with the expectation that you and your unit's administrative team will arrange all student travel.
When you submit the application form: The PACE team will be notified of your application and review your materials as soon as possible. Please be attentive to your email in case our team has questions or needs additional information. We can typically send decisions within a week of submission and transfer funding within a month of sending award decisions. Applicants will be notified of funding decisions by email from; add this address to your "safe senders" list to avoid missing communications.
Applicant's Information
- Name
- Department or Program
- Title/Academic Rank
- Will you travel to the event (either with students or attending/participating separately)?
- Will student travel be arranged in Concur?
- Optional: Will you be the "Concur Delegate" to arrange student travel?
- Optional: Concur Delegate's Name
- Optional: Concur Delegate's Email
- Optional: If you are not using Concur to arrange student travel, how will students arrange airfare and other expenses?
Event Information
- Event Name
- Primary Organization Sponsoring the Event
- URL of Event Webpage
- 100 Word Maximum: Explain the purpose, theme or focus of the event.
- Date Event BEGINS
- Date Event ENDS
- Event Venue
- Destination: Country
- Destination: State/Province/Region
- Destination: City
- Destination: Zip/Postal Code
- Will student participation involve any international travel?
- Optional: Did you complete the international travel registration process?
- Optional: Attach your International Travel Registration approval email.
- Optional: 100 Word Maximum: Explain your plan to complete the international travel registration process.
Estimated Expenses
- Registration
- Airfare
- Lodging
- Other Expenses
- Total Estimated Expenses
- How many students do you expect to participate in the event?
- Estimated Cost Per Student
- What, if any, funding will be committed to this project? If not, please explain.
- Account Manager's Name
- Account Manager's Email
- What speedtype (ST) should receive these funds?
- Optional: Include additional budgetary information.