
Erin Shay publishes the first grammar of Giziga (North Cameroon)

April 20, 2021

The Department is pleased to announce that Ph.D. alumna Erin Shay has just published (2021, with Brill): A Grammar of Giziga: A Chadic Language of Far North Cameroon . This is the first broad, detailed grammar of the Giziga language, which belongs to the Chadic branch of the Afro-Asiatic language...

Prof. Kira Hall awarded Wenner-Gren Foundation grant!

April 16, 2021

Prof. Kira Hall has received a research grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation , a major international foundation for anthropological research, for her project “Accent Imitation on the Autism Spectrum.” The project investigates a phenomenon noted in descriptions of autistic symptoms but rarely discussed in scholarship: the prolonged and often fluent...


Prof. Chase Raymond interviewed by 'CU Boulder Today'

April 14, 2021

Professor Chase Raymond was interviewed by 'CU Boulder Today', where he was asked about language, interaction, and culture during the COVID-19 pandemic. The article also highlights some of the sorts of questions that undergraduate majors in our new SAIL track -- Sociocultural, Anthropological, and Interactional Linguistics -- might be interested...


MA student Allen Hsiao wins CHA summer fellowship!

April 13, 2021

The Department is excited to recognize LING MA student Allen Hsiao for winning a Center for Humanities and Arts (CHA) summer fellowship to complete work on his MA thesis, “Semantics and Syntax in Polysemous Denominal Verbs: A Corpus-based Study”. The study looks at denominal verbs that span one or more...

Announcing 'Tracks' for the Undergraduate Major in Linguistics

April 12, 2021

The Department of Linguistics is pleased to announce that, in addition to the general Linguistics major, we are now offering 4 official ‘tracks’ as specializations within the major. These tracks are: (1) Computational Linguistics , (2) Language and Cognition , (3) Sociocultural, Anthropological, and Interactional Linguistics (SAIL) , and (4)...

syntax textbook

Laura Michaelis publishes syntax textbook

Nov. 18, 2020

CU Linguistics Professor and chair Laura Michaelis is the co-author of a new English syntax textbook, Syntactic Construction of English (Cambridge UP, 2020). The book takes a novel approach to the study of sentence structures. It is the first formal syntax textbook based on Construction Grammar, a theoretical framework that...


PhD student Olivia Hirschey Marrese invited as CLIC Visiting Researcher

Oct. 23, 2020

The Department is pleased to announce that PhD student Olivia Hirschey Marrese has been invited as a Visiting Researcher in the Center for Language, Interaction, and Culture at UCLA. During this year-long post, Olivia will be attending specialized data sessions that investigate interactions at the intersection of race and social...

LESLLA's Heritage Language Resources Hub now available!

Oct. 20, 2020

The Heritage Language Resources Hub development team at LESLLA -- including our own Dr. Rai Farrelly , Director of TESOL Programs in the Department of Linguistics -- is delighted to announce that the Hub is ready to explore on the LESLLA website ! The team has been working since early...


Claire Cummings' work with the Deaf Community during COVID-19 featured by the SLA

Oct. 15, 2020

Congratulations to CU Boulder's very own Claire Cummings , an undergraduate anthropology major who recently published an article in the Society for Linguistic Anthropology Blog. The article, "Deaf Community Deserves Greater Access to Medical Information During COVID-19," was the result of a project she began in Dr. Adam Hodges '...


Prof. Jeremy Calder selected for 'Member Spotlight' by Linguistic Society of America

Sept. 14, 2020

Professor Jeremy Calder 's work straddles the fields of sociolinguistic variation and linguistic anthropology. Using sociophonetic and ethnographic methods, they explore the role of phonetic variation in the construction of marginalized identity in communities of queer/trans individuals and people of color. They are a member of the editorial board for...
