Chickadee News
- The October issue of Scientific American featured a story about chickadee hybridization by Rebecca Heisman that highlighted ongoing work in the lab:
- Scott recently discussed the Boulder Chickadee Study with Host Susan Moran from How on Earth, the KGNU Science Show. Listen here!
- Last week marked the final nestling banding of the 2024 Boulder Chickadee Study field season wrapping the 6th year of the study. The team of Will, Sara, Olivia, Ajay, Nikki, Blake, and Sage counted 464 eggs, banded 431 nestlings, and
- Congratulations to Olivia and her co-authors Kathryn, Angela, Harriet Leeson and Carrie Branch for publishing a recent paper in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology. After initially embarking on her undergraduate career as a Violin Performance
- The 2024 field season has been a busy one - here are some updates from members of the lab currently in the field: Sara: It has been a wild and exciting field season so far! With the addition of our new nestboxes on flagstaff mountain it is gearing
- The good news keeps coming! Nikki (Documenting responses to experimental and natural nest intrusions in two species of cavity-nesting chickadee) and Will (Using acoustic and genomic data to evaluate the taxonomic status of Northern Pygmy Owls) were
- Congrats to Sara Padula, a second-year PhD student in the lab, who was granted a 2024 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship! The program recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students who are pursuing full-time
- The "smart feeder" arrays up and running at the Mountain Research Station!
- Members of the Taylor lab are busy in the field these days, braving the cold and snow to collect exciting data on black-capped and mountain chickadees. Haley is conducting feeder-based agression experiments in Boulder, Nikki has been getting our
- Huge congratulations to Haley who was recently awarded a Stearns Prize from the European Society for Evolutionary Biology and the Journal of Evolutionary Biology for her paper examining the influence of between-species color pattern