Lab Community
The Taylor Lab is respectful and inclusive.

Community building in STEM is an important issue. A growing list of resources concerning community building in STEM can be found below.
Representation Matters: During the 2019 Evolution meeting in Rhode Island, the Society for the Study of Evolution, the American Society of Naturalists, and the Society for Systematic Biology co-sponsored a Story Collider event titled Evolution 2019: Stories from outside the distribution. I had the pleasure of being able to share my story during this event, and to listen to stories from an incredible group of evolutionary biologists. You can listen to our stories here: Evolution 2019: Stories from outside the distribution.
Project Biodiversify - a repository of teaching materials and methods aimed at enhancing human diversity and inclusivity in biology courses (@biodiversifying). Here are some excellent slides for Inclusive and Accurate Approaches for Teaching Sex and Gender in Biology
Humane genomics education can reduce racism - Science
Safe fieldwork strategies for at-risk individuals, their supervisors and institutions - Nature Ecology and Evolution
Ghosts of science past still haunt us. We can put them to rest - Undark
Sex and gender essentialism in textbooks - Science
The sociopolitical in human genetics education - Science
Colorado Disabled Students Network
STEM’s Racial Reckoning Just Entered Its Most Crucial Phase - WIRED
'This deserves our attention.’ New data highlight LGBTQ scientists’ workplace challenges - Science
How LGBT+ scientists would lik to be incluided and welcomed in STEM workplaces - Nature
"Diversity in STEM - What it is and why it matters?" Scientific American Blog
To learn inclusion skills, make it personal - Nature
"Diversity: Pride in science" - Nature - on being LGBTQ in STEM
They’re Here. They’re Queer. They’re Scientists.
What does it take to make an institution more diverse? - Nature
Help that hurts women - Inside Higher ED (regarding letters of reccomendation)
"Women in Science" Nature - Special Issue
Understanding unconscious bias - Royal Society video
How Diversity Makes Us Smarter - Scientific American
Increasing Diversity in Academic Hiring - Inside Higher ED
Opinion: Gender Diversity Leads to Better Science - PNAS
"How to Queer Ecology: one Goose at a Time" - Orion magazine
"The phylogenetics of equality" - from the blog of Dr. Stacey Smith (For the love of trees) from CU Boulder
"Equality: Standing out" - Nature, about how a "welcoming lab environments and networking organizations help lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender scientists to excel."
"Science faculty's subtle gender biases favor male students" PNAS
Several popular press pieces on insights from trans scientists on biases in the field can be found here, here and here.
An article on implicit bias in letters of recommendation by Trix & Psenka
Teaching Beyond the Gender Binary in the University Classroom