Your helpers
INSTAAR's communications director is Shelly Sommer. She can talk with you about your story and help figure out the best place to feature or promote it. David Lubinski assists Shelly by helping promote existing stories written by the university (e.g., CU Boulder Today) or non-university media (e.g., New York Times).
The news universe
INSTAAR stories might be about research results or publications, people, events, developments, or daily life as part of INSTAAR. We take a broad-based approach to storytelling, but overall we're interested in stories that either share research results with the public, truthfully portray our culture or what it's like to be at INSTAAR and the university, or give an insight into scientific or academic processes.
If you have a photo, new paper, announcement, or idea that could help share science, culture, or experience, please bring or send it to Shelly. There is almost always some way for us to find an audience for it.
Photos (and video clips) really are worth a thousand words, and practically guarantee that your story will have more reach. When you're doing things in the lab or field or wherever INSTAAR takes you, please consider taking a few images on your camera or phone. Our favorite images are those that show people doing science.