Intermountain West SWE Reports

This research product provides near-real-time estimates of snow-water equivalent (SWE) for areas in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming at a spatial resolution of 500 m.
We create reports for specific regions approximately every two weeks from mid-winter through the end of the melt season. The reports are released within a week of satellite image data acquisition and are distributed to water managers and forecasters. For more information on reporting or to discuss reporting for your area please contact
See also:
Sierra Nevada SWE reports (California)
Tip for downloading Excel tables: If your table doesn't download automatically and instead opens in an Excel interface, go to File > Save As.
Feb 01 (PDF | Table 1 | Table 2 | JPG maps zip | CBRFC Table)
Feb 15 (PDF | Table 1 | Table 2 | JPG maps zip | CBRFC Table)
Mar 01 (PDF | Table 1 | Table 2 | JPG maps zip | CBRFC Table)
Mar 15 (PDF | Table 1 | Table 2 | JPG maps zip | CBRFC Table)
Apr 01 (PDF | Table 1 | Table 2 | JPG maps zip | CBRFC Table)
Apr 15 (PDF | Table 1 | Table 2 | JPG maps zip | CBRFC Table)
May 01 (PDF | Table 1 | Table 2 | JPG maps zip | CBRFC Table)
May 15 (PDF | Table 1 | Table 2 | JPG maps zip | CBRFC Table)
Jun 01 (PDF | Table 1 | Table 2 | JPG maps zip | CBRFC Table)
Mar 01 (PDF | Table 1 | Table 2 | JPG maps zip)
Mar 15 (PDF | Table 1 | Table 2 | JPG maps zip)
Apr 01 (PDF | Table 1 | Table 2 | JPG maps zip)
Apr 08 (PDF | Table 1 | Table 2 | JPG maps zip)
Apr 18 (PDF | Table 1 | Table 2 | JPG maps zip)
Apr 25 (PDF | Table 1 | Table 2 | JPG maps zip | CBRFC Table)
May 01 (PDF | Table 1 | Table 2 | JPG maps zip | CBRFC Table)
May 08 (PDF | Table 1 | Table 2 | JPG maps zip | CBRFC Table)
May 15 (PDF | Table 1 | Table 2 | JPG maps zip | CBRFC Table)
May 25 (PDF | Table 1 | Table 2 | JPG maps zip | CBRFC Table)
Jun 02 (PDF | Table 1 | Table 2 | JPG maps zip | CBRFC Table)