Gary Clow

  • Senior Research Associate

Thermal geophysics • Polar sciences • Climate change

Heat-transfer processes in earth & planetary systems, polar climate-change detection (past and present), the cryosphere, planetary studies

My research focuses on high-precision temperature measurement, analysis, and modeling to better understand processes in cold earth and planetary systems.

I focus on climate-change detection, both past and present, the environmental conditions controlling various features of the cryosphere (e.g., permafrost, ice-covered lakes, cryovolcanoes), and the response of those features to climate change. In support of these investigations, I have done extensive field work in Antarctica, Greenland, and arctic Alaska. Modeling studies range from the earth's polar regions to Mars and the outer solar system.

  Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System (CSDMS)  News about Gary 

Research labs and instruments

  • Temperature-Sensor Calibration Facility (-50°C to +10°C)
  • High-Precision Temperature Logging System for Polar Studies (standard uncertainty, 3 mK)

LaTeX tutorial materials

All the below materials are in a Google Drive folder.

  • Slides from LaTeX tutorial seminar, Nov. 2019
  • ReadMe file
  • LaTeX basics
  • CU dissertation template
  • Journal templates (AGU, Copernicus, ...)


  • PhD, Geophysics: University of Utah


  • Excellence in Partnering Award, National Oceanographic Partnership Program, 2010
  • USGS Science Strategy Success Stories Award, U.S. Geological Survey, 2008
  • Clow Island named in recognition of superior research contributions in Antarctica, U.S. Board on Geographic Names, 2000
  • Superior Service Award, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1998
  • Antarctic Service Medal of the United States, U.S. Department of Defense, 1986


For additional publications, see Gary's ResearchGate profile.