INSTAAR's commitment to art + science partnerships helps shift the way people understand climate, ecosystems, and Earth systems; changes behavior; and deeply engages people with our science.
Experimental photography by Kelsey Simpkins explores our relationship with the invisible air surrounding us. From Airborne Era, her 2022 show in the SEEC South Gallery.
Art-science interactions are a core approach at INSTAAR to engage the public in our science, carrying the potential to bring our science to new audiences; pursue storytelling approaches to science; and change the way people think and act about climate change, the environment, and ecosystems. Professional artists number among INSTAAR's Affiliates, and several INSTAAR researchers are artists as well as scientists. Partnerships with campus groups like the Office for Public and Community-Engaged Scholarship and Inside the Greenhouse have facilitated student and faculty engagement in art + science practice.
Contact Shelly Sommer (INSTAAR Communication & Outreach Director) to participate in art/science partnerships, reserve gallery space in SEEC, or discuss art-science interactions.